Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post
And I got the moves like jagger

>lol no
Silver Elite Master. Fml.
Ele | Morals | JackMorris
Glimpsed, I would really appreciated it if from now on and evermore you could replace "Oh no" with "owl no". I also think we should enforce a minimum owl based pun quota for every sentence you write.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by IIInsanEEE View Post
Well they ate head first, that means Ele and Hawke, it would turn out differently if it had happened otherwise.

Guess tl;dr was constipated. It took a week for me to come.
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
Haha. So now we've shat ourselves into Inq's mouth? You must've spent a while in our intestines, fermenting and growing steadily more putrid.
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Glimpsed, I would really appreciated it if from now on and evermore you could replace "Oh no" with "owl no". I also think we should enforce a minimum owl based pun quota for every sentence you write.

WOWL because I'm really going to enjoy coming up with puns for every single sentence. Nah, I'm sure it'll be a hoot. Because that's really OWL you need to stay entertained.
Originally Posted by EJXIII View Post
>lol no

This gets annoying after a bit D:

EJ pls

Also Glimpsed is a hoot
Last edited by Triton; Jun 29, 2015 at 12:19 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Originally Posted by IIInsanEEE View Post
l0l Creatio0n, that's like the exact opposite of my opinion. I tend to take things seriously, not as in 'no fun at all', but I personally prefer to keep funny/useless stuff to PM/IRC, not that I've never shitposted, but I try (or tried) to keep it that way. I've read the age thing and that may be another issue that i'm facing right now; I do not tolerate childish behavior, If you're like 25 and have a job, pay your bills and do stuff then It is ok to go wibbles sometimes, maybe most of the time, but if you're like 16 and everything you do is shitpost then I tend to dislike you, a lot. It seems like a loop where I'll mostly dislike teenagers because they'll most of the time be as described and exceptions are really really rare.

First I felt annoyed by the quality of the members in here, most of them came from TLDR and I felt both annoyed and ashamed, then I realised that Inquisition is not about that, is not about post quality, adult behavior or anything related, as mentioned before this is a place where you can feel at home and be whatever you want to, it's a comfortable place for everyone, except for me of course, I do not feel comfortable with the behavior of 4 or 5 members and I feel like it will never change, then again I realised that I don't fit here, just like that, I feel like being that annoying kid who's not enjoying the party and don't want anyone to enjoy as well, that's why I left (Ele).

After all this is a game, people need to have fun in here and I'm not having it at all, it all comes to breaking my new job's proxy policy to waste time reading useless things, that's not funny. In 2 months in the new job I got promoted and now I'll have to deal with some French and Polack dudes for new projects and stuff, maybe even visit them since Capgemini is a French company yada yada, that's why I'm requesting a ban right now.

When I come back I'll surely check how things are going over here and maybe apply again for Inquisition and I'd like a lot to be treated as a normal applicant, just so I and everyone else knows if I finally fit in here.

That's it guys, sorry for the wall, I was from TLDR, you know...

Cya around.

He was an honest man and a fantastic member. May he rest in peace.
Last edited by Zelda; Jul 25, 2015 at 07:45 PM.
I hereby pledge that this thread be converted into a collation of all the songs we find saddest, for all those who knew him and held him dear, to mourn his untimely and tragic departure from this community.
Good morning sweet princess