Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Fish actually deleted the clan because they posted naked pictures on their secret board.
I think Fish just got sad about them thus he re-activated the clan.

Lol, i've never noticed that... Now i know why snake and willian got banned a lot of times for inapropriate posts...

Originally Posted by TheNovato View Post
Wow, haha, this clan is still alive.

Yes, that's cool, right?
As sentral said, we don't will die so fast. Btw, you can help us being active sir.
Hey Sain... i'll try to write every time something in the clanforum...

What is with our leader? Is he sometimes online too?

Is nice to see that the clanmember spent now more time for the clan and revive this

Hey, welcome to Essence Neo.

I'm currently the leader of Essence, but as for our founder, rappunk23, he's currently on hiatus. He's been on hiatus for a few months now and we're not entirely sure when he's coming back. I speak to him on a semi-regular basis though, but he's dealing with personal things in his life right now, which is why he's inactive.

If you need anything though, I'd be more than happy to assist you.
<[Obey]Jojo> wanna do a duet on tiktok
Alright... Happy to receive you here neo, and we're just making it active because we never really died.
Yeah, what Sainz said.
We were just going through an extended period of low activity, but we're bringing it back again.
<[Obey]Jojo> wanna do a duet on tiktok
and if your the leader sentral then my apps will be rejected cause you say no, but why did you say wait for the response of takkrala?
Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back.”
He say this because Takkrala is the co-leader... This is like a democratic decision in our clan... The leader ask the other clan member because of your apply... When Takkrala say yes you can into the essence clan than you have a chance to be one of us... When he say no than this is your fate =)

Im not really so important.

Sentral and i use a basic system that we run the clan together.
If one says no and the other yes, then its a no.

Also, rapp told me that he didnt have any experience with running clans.
He suprises me on that matter though because he knows quite well what to do.