Oh so you don't remember the 6 or 8 signs you showed in your posts that you were lying, do you? And, coincidentally, you just realized that your brother messed up your account right after you got rejected from Urban?

Fuck off, you little bitch.
So your patience lasted exactly a week, and you joined another clan. I am only sorry for the 9 members who voted yes, boy do we feel betrayed now.

Good luck Drop, Drops brother, or who ever you might be.
wishful eyes deceive me
lol, you and your bro thinks very similar to eachother.

Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
scumbag for leaving a clan? Oh fuck no, who are you to fucking judge me. You think I'm a fucking scumbag? when in mother fucking hell was i mean to anyone in the clan. I respected you guys, I more than respected you guys i thought and think you are the greatest. I left for my own reasons, I left because none of you are my type of player, your never online when I am we have fucking opposite time zones. All those times people fought with you and when you fought with Kasz i never thought of you less, you were still the same. Maybe if you guys played more often i would've stayed. Im not saying you don't play but most of our clan is either SP or fucking opposite of my time. Ever notice how Ive never ever played in more than one fucking clan war? I miss the thrill. Im tired of it too. Half the fuckign clan doesn't even know I'm gone, nor do they care. So who the fuck are you to call me a scumbag. I still love missusse still love Brucia still love Squiziph more than all of them. I joined that clan in the first place for Aj, Killjaden, Squiziph, Hippybob, and Erth. Now tell me which one is still in jollyR playing? None of them, sure maybe aj is on now and then, but that doesn't do shit for me. I miss those guys I loved to play with them, and to be honest writing this is making me sad in real life I'm actually tearing up. I know this is just a game but fuck i loved you guys close you were only ones I cared about at the time. I'd wake up at 6am 5am 7am on a weekend to play with you guys. I stayed up late to play with you guys and got grounded for it by my parents many times for it. But it didn't matter i enjoyed playing with you guys. I still don't think of any of you guys any less. Until now.

Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
I don't even know anymore. Im with you guys for 2 years, pour my heart and soul into this clan but something so little gets me kicked from clan. Im up to 10 clan invites so far. This whole "make him wait" thing is you accusing me of doing something. Which makes you think of me guilty, I can only wait so long. Why would i wait 6 months for jollyR thats 1/4 the time i was in the clan. I might as well go off into another clan that actually trusts its members. I've been invited by [Tint] , [eVo] , [HiT] , [Mr.] , [Clan] and some others in game that i don't remember. I have lots of friends in all these clans, friends trust each other care for each other, if you guys really knew me for the 2 years of me being in this clan you would've seen that this isn't the first time my brother has done anything. One of the last things i remember from the secret forum was bRucia saying "i wonder how we will look in his eyes if he is innocent" wanna know how i see you, i don't. I don't try to join your servers anymore, i don't post here, I don't know what to think of you guys, my loyalty was superb i went through extreme measures for you guys, now tell me, why the hell would i do all that shit to leave? 300k to leave? 6am to leave? decline tons of clans to leave? tell me where that makes sense. I want to join Urban a single player clan? I don't think so. Maybe you guys are right, i don't belong here.

I leave judgement to others.
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
see ^ that right there is why i wanted so much to join but didn't, that is your guyses true and honest opinion, i could've waited longer but you didn't tell me what happened Id join right now if i got an invitation but you guys left me out of the loop
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
our true and honest opinion? that was my opinion

Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
il wait a bit before a say my final vote,but im leaning towards a yes,
until now,drop has not shown any kind of this behavior in the past,he was always ok in everything,but that's only my opinion from what i know.

to be true,now i don't think the same,i even tried to believe your excuses,but its all clear now.

Also here are some other true opinions about this,but i will not post the names in case these guys don't want to:

I talked to him,

Well, My brain says he is lying, but I'm gonna vote yes.
Let him in.

yeah. maybe it isn`t a good decision but he was one of us sooo why not.

As i said i will vote yes on him coming back,since as i said i prefer to be wrong letting him in if he's guilty than to reject him if he's innocent,since we will never have any evidence in both direction.

As you see,even if some guys had doubts,they wanted to give you a chance.
Just so you won't think we didn't bother.


Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
i could've waited longer but you didn't tell me what happened Id join right now if i got an invitation but you guys left me out of the loop

im sorry,but didn't you ask neon about the votes?
how did we left you out of the loop as you say?

Anyways,i'm not gonna bother myself anymore with this,i hope you will enjoy yourself in eVo more than you did here.
Last edited by nikosefs; Feb 2, 2012 at 04:14 PM.
I'll never enjoy myself more than I did here. I won't ever forget this place. And I'll read the threads in secret I guess this is a goodbye then
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
I'll never enjoy myself more than I did here. I won't ever forget this place. And I'll read the threads in secret I guess this is a goodbye then

I just hope we can overcome all of this, and can play and hang like before. Good luck to you
wishful eyes deceive me
Yo guys. I'll made a clan, so cancelling my app.
Thanks for attention from all.
Good luck with jolly <3