Originally Posted by Mocucha View Post
Impressive video. I really liked your moves during the staff fight :o

What about working your realism ?

I'm trying to improve my realism


I'm accepted to enter the clan??
Originally Posted by Wesley View Post
Name: Wesley
Age: 16
Belt: Master
GMT: -4
Past Clans: Past leader of [Quick], Past leader of [Wicked], Past leader of [Mr.], Relax-All.
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Not giving a shit.

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): p0pcorn

Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): Tripstone

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): All of the above.

About Yourself: Drugs are good.

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: Why not?

What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If Accepted Into [eVo]: Continue to do drugs.

Awesome, must have.

Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
Name: Vamp_09 / Preston
Age: 21
Belt: 7th dan -10th dan (long story... ill know in a week i guess)
Past Clans: something i forget, Revolution, ICOF.
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): Vamp_09__(another long story)
Bought QI?: no
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): None
Modes your good at: Aikido, sword&board, teak kyon, sambo.
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): editing replays is the best i've got...
GMT: -06:00
Player Card:
About yourself: I am an xbox and pc gamer, i enjoy dark fantasy/rpg games such as darksouls, i also enjoy sports like golfing, and archery.
Why you want to join [eVo]: I know a few of the current members here and i also do not want to join a clan made after the point when i joined toribash. (May of 08 | Getting older lol...)
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: Just another skilled fighter and the respect due to its other members as well as others in general. Also i am usually pretty active, and should you add me to steam or skype if you have it i will usually be about to chat with you if I'm not on toribash.

I'm interested, what exactly do you mean by editing replays?

Originally Posted by KOTBOLT View Post
Name: Kotbolt
Age: seecret
Belt: 7th dan
Past Clans:Aeon, Flames (dead), Atlantic
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): none
Bought QI?:no never
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): dagon, ofCannibis, Shinigamii, Dodekus, Zorath
Modes your good at:Aikido, Taekyon, Kickboxing
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): Art
GMT: GMT + 1
Player Card:
About yourself:
Why you want to join [eVo]: Because i always liked the people playing in and because i see this clan as one of the best around here.
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: Some activity good free Art and a bid skill i hope

I too will look at your activity. You should watermark and share some of this art you have too.

Originally Posted by DimeBag77 View Post
Name: Dimebag77
Age: 16
Belt: 5th Dan
Past Clans: War,Exil3, BlindFury, The Company, VnD_Corp.
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): Dime77, Dimebag95, The5thHorseman, Bleux, Slayer1995
(They are never used)
Bought QI?: No never.. faegs....
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): Tripstone, OfCannibis
Modes your good at: Aikido mods
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): Marketing our shop is VnD_Corporations(is no longer will be brought back up soon though. still included in my signature)
GMT: -6
Player Card: Below VV
About yourself: Im Dimebag77, I toke a' tha Ganj (hence the name) I'm a chill dude who likes a challenging Aikido match. I also enjoy things like marketing. When i'm not playing Toribash im either working, chillin with my friends or playin Xbox.
Why you want to join [eVo]: This clan has been around for a long time and is well structured. I rarely see people leave but yet so many want to join. I play matches with you guys every now and then and I always enjoy the matches. This is a clan that has roots and I want some of those roots, shit i'll smoke those roots.
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: Some more activity i'm always playing and marketing on the forums, and just a supportive member who wants nothing but the beterment of the clan.

Must have... *passes the blunt*

Originally Posted by Beta View Post
Name: James (Beta)

Age: 16

Belt: 8th Dan

Past Clans: Wicked, Secret, Teknik, Mr., and TPC (Mr. was a one night thing, the leader scammed me and then kicked me from clan. Yeah stupid people)

What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): UNDEAD21 (got a namechange some months ago)

Bought QI?: Nope

Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): Tripstone and P0int

Modes your good at: Aikido, Aikidobigdojo, Ninjutsu, and kind of good at wushu3... I also like to play TK and KB, but I am not the best at those mods. I try though.

Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): I am a graphics artist. I do it for money, not for tc usually. That is why I have the achievement. I also market.

GMT: -7

Player Card:

About yourself: I like to hang out with my girlfriend for the most part. I also like to be with friends and go paintballing. When I am not doing this or homework, I am either just driving around to random places or on the computer doing art/toribash (Due to winter and high gas prices, I am just chillin at home mostly.) I am an outgoing person, but also humble and enjoy quietness and once in a while my own thoughts.

Why you want to join [eVo]: I would like to join Evolution because it is a great clan. I was invited by Tripstone quite a while ago, then also recently when I was clanless the last time (before I joined TPC). (Not saying that I chose TPC over eVo because it is better, just PieGod is a really great friend of mine. I helped the clan, donated, and had fun with it. Still hosting some events as I type this. It is really a great clan, just not the one for me) I believe eVo will be the clan that I can settle down in and enjoy I also know most of the people in eVo... Or knew...

What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: I don't think eVo needs to be better. It is good the way it is. Great reputation, amazing members, nice members, and humble. If you need help with art, I can do that, but I do not believe that I can 'better' the clan.

I was sorry to see that you withdrew your application. I wish you the best of luck with your new endeavor. Know that you may always reapply in the future.

Originally Posted by Onda View Post
Name: Game Onda Real Engels


Belt: Custom Belt

Past Clans: [PsY]

What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): Moomin

Bought QI?: No

Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): None

Modes your good at: AikidoBigdojo.tbm-Aikido.tbm-lenshu3

Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): Modering

GMT: -6

Player Card:

About yourself: Well I am from Costa Rica, mi first language is spanish, I did learn english on high-school. I qualify my person as mature. I am a big fan of videogames doesn't matter if they are for computer, PS3, xbox360 I am just adict to games. I do have a social life friends-girlfriend, etc.
I do love reggae music because it give me this kinda of internal peace that it bring to me when I'm high is awesome. As you can see I do smoke weed and not just for fashion, mode I smoke because I feel that I am a different person that can be one with nature, one with the environment, is something that no other thing can do turns of it.
You can talk to me of whatever topic that you wish cuz in my entire life there have been diferent persons that had bring to me some knowledge as my parents and family
I live with my dad in a condominium from San José-Ezcazú, I like play soccer, baxsketball and taekwondo
Now days I'm on university studying Industrial Maintenance Engineering.
I guess this is enough if you want to know anything else about me just ask.

Why you want to join [eVo]: I want to join eVo because here I can find somethings that other clans don't have, as mature and skilled people. Players that can see the things in so many different ways, that can understand how you feel sometimes and there is people that give sense to the game humor,etc.

What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: I can bring to eVo some activity, some tournaments and events. I can do participate in the clan activitys. I woudl help with everything that I can.


Mae Large haceme el toque ahí para que me dejen entran en esta vara mop!
Usted sabe como es loco!

Pura Vida!!

If I didn't smoke I don't know if I could see things in more than 1 or 2 ways... *passes the blunt*

Originally Posted by ka2 View Post
Name: ka2
Age: 22
Belt: Custom
GMT: -2
Past Clans: Toribr, No Mercy and Coffee.
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Art and Videos

my video

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any):
Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies):
stiktori, Eddy
Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..):
TaekKyon, Wushu and spar
About Yourself:
I am Brazilian and i play toribash over 4 years
Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]:
I really like charles darwin
What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If Accepted Into [eVo]:
evolve? :B

I like the application, though I would like it more with an exclamation point following evolve, and what do you find Darwin's greatest discovery was towards the elements of evolution?
Name: Game Chus/Life Facundo.
Age: I have 17 years old.
Belt: I am 2nd dan black belt.
GMT: -3
Past Clans: My past clans are PSY and Scorpions.
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Im starting to do videos about toribash ( And i makes a good avatars (i think).

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): No.

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): I am good in Aikido, Wushu and Taekkyon.

About Yourself: Well, i'm from in Argentina, my name is Facundo Matias Soto and i live with my parents. I finished school with an average of 8, my parents are proud of me for having master folklore (Argentine native dances), I like playing sports and riding my bike through the woods, I love to go fishing with my dad and run with my mom, I like to play bass com my brothers. . I am a mature person, I can be a funny person, cheerful, but when I have to be a serious person, I am. If you need to know more about me, ask me or just send me a pm.

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: I want to join to be part of you, I like the idea of ​​participating in [eVo] because we share the same enthusiasm.
Editing replays as in opening the file ingame and modifying them... i did so a long time ago for TC lol >.> that's kind of not something I've done in ages however. and for the record my issue was fixed now 10th dan.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Originally Posted by Chus View Post
Name: Game Chus/Life Facundo.
Age: I have 17 years old.
Belt: I am 2nd dan black belt.
GMT: -3
Past Clans: My past clans are PSY and Scorpions.
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Im starting to do videos about toribash ( And i makes a good avatars (i think).

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): No.

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): I am good in Aikido, Wushu and Taekkyon.

About Yourself: Well, i'm from in Argentina, my name is Facundo Matias Soto and i live with my parents. I finished school with an average of 8, my parents are proud of me for having master folklore (Argentine native dances), I like playing sports and riding my bike through the woods, I love to go fishing with my dad and run with my mom, I like to play bass com my brothers. . I am a mature person, I can be a funny person, cheerful, but when I have to be a serious person, I am. If you need to know more about me, ask me or just send me a pm.

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: I want to join to be part of you, I like the idea of ​​participating in [eVo] because we share the same enthusiasm.

No from me. More effort needed,this isn't a low class clan.
That is all. g'day.

Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
Editing replays as in opening the file ingame and modifying them... i did so a long time ago for TC lol >.> that's kind of not something I've done in ages however. and for the record my issue was fixed now 10th dan.

hhmm...If I recall correctly that's not exactly "legal"? Especially if it's other people's replays,or being entered into a tourney.

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ eVo ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

well I'm not too sure about when it became less than "legal" however i never got in trouble for it, rather i got paid as people would often ask for ridiculous things... but to be honest alot of the time i would be making the replay's from scratch and editing the replay file to have their names, I do believe it was mostly or just private collections, if it was ever for a clan video i'd just provide a tweak to an existing replay so i don't mind. Also as i said, this was a looong time ago I doubt if you looked you'd find my old threads for it.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Originally Posted by CoKe View Post
No from me. More effort needed,this isn't a low class clan.
That is all. g'day.

Ok. But, I am accepted or rejected?