Originally Posted by rainboweye View Post
Your family seems educated. And who told me that universities are free there ?! Damn that asshole. Damnit that's totally not free.

Every state university/college here is in fact free, It's just that mine is a private one, so the state gives out scholarships that pay 90% - 100% of all tuition fees. Parts of my family is educated, my grandmother for instance is retired and living in Spain most of the time, but instead of chilling, she's getting a university degree in biology in Spanish. for most of the family, I think it's more that we value education, rather than all of'em being very educated.

Originally Posted by rainboweye View Post
Can you explain what a cannibal is ? Did your old friend eat other humans when he was young ? If what I understood is correct, where and how did that happen ? Communities are organized no one living inside a modern community can eat other humans.

A cannibal is a person that eats human flesh; a herbivore^2. The thing is, both the kinslayer and the cannibal are part of my (my uncle's) people and practise the same culture and religion. Traditionally, all used to be anarchistic and cannibalistic, but the people has gradually become less of both the last 500 years, and we consider that guy one of the last cannibals (the last one in my uncles territory). The Inka people where the one's that taght and forced them to be cannibals, and the tradition lessened with each generation when they died out and Brazil became more modern by a western standard. The religion and culture is much the same now as then (even though no one practises cannibalism and 99% are less violent than the average western population), since don't believe that anyone can/should tell others what to do and not do, and consider most other religion in a way as true as our own.

Saying that no one can live inside a modern community can be a cannibal, is not true, while I do agree when it comes to the cannibals that hunts other humans to kill and eat them. For example, the old man I know is no less functioning in his community (which is per definition a modern community) than anyone else there, because no one judges him for what he has done. If he had lived in yours, he would have been judged and possibly killed, not because it is right (or wrong for that matter), but because of your beliefs, ethics, and willingness to judge others by them. Also, the last part of the cannibalistic tradition, was limited to eating a small part of a person that died so that they would remain in the people iirc. The old man was probably a part of the last time they did this, and everyone else has since died of old age, sickness, or fucking up while in the forest.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
Originally Posted by rainboweye View Post
OH please save me, wild beasts are trying to snap my body and eat my flesh. Damn that place is full of mad animals..

Lol, the game is actually quite easy to play.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by liaxo View Post
Every state university/college here is in fact free, It's just that mine is a private one, so the state gives out scholarships that pay 90% - 100% of all tuition fees. Parts of my family is educated, my grandmother for instance is retired and living in Spain most of the time, but instead of chilling, she's getting a university degree in biology in Spanish. for most of the family, I think it's more that we value education, rather than all of'em being very educated.

A cannibal is a person that eats human flesh; a herbivore^2. The thing is, both the kinslayer and the cannibal are part of my (my uncle's) people and practise the same culture and religion. Traditionally, all used to be anarchistic and cannibalistic, but the people has gradually become less of both the last 500 years, and we consider that guy one of the last cannibals (the last one in my uncles territory). The Inka people where the one's that taght and forced them to be cannibals, and the tradition lessened with each generation when they died out and Brazil became more modern by a western standard. The religion and culture is much the same now as then (even though no one practises cannibalism and 99% are less violent than the average western population), since don't believe that anyone can/should tell others what to do and not do, and consider most other religion in a way as true as our own.

Saying that no one can live inside a modern community can be a cannibal, is not true, while I do agree when it comes to the cannibals that hunts other humans to kill and eat them. For example, the old man I know is no less functioning in his community (which is per definition a modern community) than anyone else there, because no one judges him for what he has done. If he had lived in yours, he would have been judged and possibly killed, not because it is right (or wrong for that matter), but because of your beliefs, ethics, and willingness to judge others by them. Also, the last part of the cannibalistic tradition, was limited to eating a small part of a person that died so that they would remain in the people iirc. The old man was probably a part of the last time they did this, and everyone else has since died of old age, sickness, or fucking up while in the forest.

Your grandmother is totally going to be my idol. I'm going to remember her whenever I feel tired or bored through my biology studying lifetime.

Aha, well if that is how they used to be "cannibalistic" in their relatively modern history then that would be considered as a normal tradition that could take place in any other community or country in the world.

I thought that they would be killing each other or other nearby peoples whenever anyone gets hungry and feels too lazy to go hunt... That would totally fuck up any community no matter where they live or what their tradition or nationality or anything is.
Mocro everything gets more difficult for me when it becomes boring. It is very boring to play alone I hated it.
Last edited by rainboweye; Sep 5, 2014 at 05:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
The men that hunted humas never did it because they were to lazy to go hunt; no other animal is more difficult to hunt (except maybe the Jaguar). The only I know of those that did this,is through stories we have, some which includes them (though they existed within my uncle's people for probably 300-500 years, maybe even more). I think it is hard for me to explain to you how they where and how they were looked upon by others, at least when from your point fo view every relevant thing about them does not matter. Even within their own communities, they were (often) not the most fearsome or powerful. There are murderers and rapists in the western communities, but you wouldnt say that they are completely destroying the community they exist within. It matters nay, knowledge of the ancient cannibals of my uncle's people is hardly a requirement.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
I am actually surprised that liaxo is a hunter. I guess when you are a sad white idiot, you just think that those kinds of things are like fairy tales or something.

I need to get a life. :l

so today I was making sandwiches at my job and this big dude with glasses gets mad at me whenever I ask him a question about anything. I am like "srsly dude ok I just want to know where the fucking ham is" and he is like "(glare) fkng nubs n shit the ham is right ova thur" and I am like ""
Last edited by ItsZombie; Sep 6, 2014 at 05:20 AM.
I know those peoples totally weren't mad beasts with horns and lo language just killing each other. I know they're a people like the rest of the peoples of the world and they have their own special culture like every people in the world. I understand they of course have their own culture their own ceremonies their own songs and such.
Just thought I had to say that in case that was how I seemed to think of them.

Zombie are you working in McDonald's or something ?
I'm not really a hunter yet, as I only get to meet my uncle 2 - 4 months a year and he lives permanently in an indigenous territory in Brazil, and these days I go to school in Norway. Only hunted once. There was like 20 people looking for the same beast (this one ), but in the end it was a friend of mine, his 10 year-old brother and myself that swooped in and got it. We gave away everything but a hind leg, since everyone else there were from outside the indigenous area and had been trying to hunt it for a long time .

I spend most of my time down there practicing language and religion, and learning about the plants and animals of the forest. Well, that's at least the plan, but something always get's fucked up along the way. This is the first year I have not 1 passed out from getting strong tobacco snuff blown into my nose, 2 smelling black smoke from a raisin which left me disorientated, and then unable to eat or drink and almost dying from dehydration (after nine days with nothing but small sips of coconut water, 3 get infections all over my body to then have a shaman's apprentice pouring black acid into all my infections and etching both my skin and the infections, which totally worked, but left me with black scars on me body. Good times in forest town. This year I only got bitten by a spider, but I took it like a man and felt ok until I got dizzy and threw up my stomach's content about an hour later.

In accordance with ancient traditions, you should poison that douche at your work and watch his skin rot off his body before your eyes. Glorios sorcery.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
OH waw. It seems as much interesting as dangerous to spend some time there. Why don't I have an uncle living in some overseas different cultured wild territory instead of my old stupid boring uncle. But wait we (me and my cousins) pass out too sometimes because of his strong tobacco snuffs all over the room -.-"
Originally Posted by rainboweye View Post

Zombie are you working in McDonald's or something ?

I work in a cafe;. it's not a fuckin mcdonalds. its a nice establishment. it's called Newk's Eatery... okay...

no but this guy must be a doucher

this is bad huh
Last edited by ItsZombie; Sep 7, 2014 at 12:11 AM.