Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
Ok, so..; You won't believe it, but... I GOT 20/20 IN ENGLISH!!!

I have to thank Maylene , Arthur and Scorpio for this . If they didn't help me in English. Well , no words for that.(what?) But thanks!

You still have a long road ahead of you, my friend. I still wonder how low the standard is at your school if you can get the maximum grade like this.
Still, you did a good job, etc.

Phew. Finally I can try to fail miserably at drawing whatever may was bugging me to draw recently...
Also, I think I'll get a name change pretty soon.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Don't play LoL like i do , You have more free time to do other stuff . Or playing other game's , But still......You waste 40min for 1 simple game .
The video was somewhat funny the first 10 times...
Oh well. Gonzosm has a pretty nice art style.
Quite a lot of detail for animations and stuff.

Gonna have a test in ~5 minutes now xd
And I'm so sleepy, damn.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Coffee? Thanks, but no thanks.
I already have enough unhealthy addictions(vidya) and I wouldn't like to get more of them. Mmkay.
Also, yay for a new nick x)
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc