Originally Posted by StellarGod View Post
I'm downloading this game as we speak add me iff you can Stellargod1

TwinG for me
Got the forsaken Olaf skin for the free RP.
Also I can't believe I didn't play him with defensive masteries before,its way better.

Smack Bitches.

I realize now I've never said my in-game name here.

Rampaging Minion

Also, who the hell is Doublelift? Some dude said I was like Doublelift after a game and I had no fucking clue what he meant.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I think lee sin is op. :/
Every time someone plays him, he gets a 21/0 because of q.
It's pretty cheap imo.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Originally Posted by Kryo View Post
Google it,

Didn't think he'd be that well known. Either way, I now feel warm and fuzzy inside :3

Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
I think lee sin is op. :/
Every time someone plays him, he gets a 21/0 because of q.
It's pretty cheap imo.

And no, Lee Sin isn't op. He's good, but I find it's far too easy to just exhaust him and then proceed to rape the shit out of him like most melee champions.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Kryo View Post
Google it,

Also I play Lee Sin sometimes anyone have a good build?

Start with a longsword, when you go back buy boots>mercury treads then proceed until you can build up to wriggles, work on trinity force next with phage first, depending on the team either get a banshees veil(High MR carry) or a randuins(You may get another item for defence, but it's nice to have some HP with the armor, don't forget that it got nerfed to shit.) after that you will have two more slots left, if they are high damage then proceed to fit another defense/HP item in there and then something like a bloodthirster/infinity edge or maybe even a ghostblade/black cleaver if the enemy team is a bit tanky. If you end up getting super fed and the game goes on even longer, feel free to sell the wriggles and buy another attack item like the ones listed above. That's pretty much how I build him and I never really go negative.