I can't get in Treasure chest either with any pass we used.
ca someone PM me the current pass?

wishful eyes deceive me
The last passwd which I have is what brucia pmed, he sent that pm to you too.

lets wait since he shows up.
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
Havn't forgotten about me have you?
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
That's good to hear
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
I'm Ingame If someone wanted to have some fight /jo wushu8 try to chillin atm. Btw do you guys have IRC Channel? Name of the channel?
I can't even play this game
I don't even know anymore. Im with you guys for 2 years, pour my heart and soul into this clan but something so little gets me kicked from clan. Im up to 10 clan invites so far. This whole "make him wait" thing is you accusing me of doing something. Which makes you think of me guilty, I can only wait so long. Why would i wait 6 months for jollyR thats 1/4 the time i was in the clan. I might as well go off into another clan that actually trusts its members. I've been invited by [Tint] , [eVo] , [HiT] , [Mr.] , [Clan] and some others in game that i don't remember. I have lots of friends in all these clans, friends trust each other care for each other, if you guys really knew me for the 2 years of me being in this clan you would've seen that this isn't the first time my brother has done anything. One of the last things i remember from the secret forum was bRucia saying "i wonder how we will look in his eyes if he is innocent" wanna know how i see you, i don't. I don't try to join your servers anymore, i don't post here, I don't know what to think of you guys, my loyalty was superb i went through extreme measures for you guys, now tell me, why the hell would i do all that shit to leave? 300k to leave? 6am to leave? decline tons of clans to leave? tell me where that makes sense. I want to join Urban a single player clan? I don't think so. Maybe you guys are right, i don't belong here.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Jesus Christ, we are discussing it. What do you expect?
leave the clan, apply for another, tell it was your brother and come back to our embrace faster that you can say cake.
The 6 months thing was just one of the suggestions. We need to discuss you, whether we believe you and if we don't, do we want to give you a 2nd chance.
After a week you say you "don't see us", don't joint our servers, and you know what is the current vote on you, 9:2 in favor of letting you join.
Fuck your high and mighty position, don't fucking quit the clan, apply for another and when they decline come back and bitch why we take so long to welcome you back.
Ye ye, it was your brother, protect your pass, protect your account and your clan from things like these, if it means so much to you.
wishful eyes deceive me