It's not that it's hard, I earn 30 lp per win and lose 10 per loss, it's that it's aggravating. The people I play with and against in ranked are just so much worse and more toxic than the people I play with and against in normals.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
How do you get so much LP per win? I get around 20-25 per win and 19-23 per loss. I have never received more than twenty LP from a win before.
Ryan will be remembered.
Ok oracle i take it back, bronze players don't know what elo hell is lol. I've played 7 games and 4 of them ive had an afk or troll, first time ive ever had this many trolls in one day, might just be a bad day but oh god i hope it stops. I have been avobe 90 lp 4 times today and not once have i gotten into promos for gold 5
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
That's why you should wait for season 5. The changes will probably destroy (in a good way) the Lee Sin sales because of that crab camp. I sense many great plays with it.

And Yi and Udyr jungle will also become 9001 times more annoying.

I'm pretty unsure about jungle items tho.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Estimax View Post
How do you get so much LP per win? I get around 20-25 per win and 19-23 per loss. I have never received more than twenty LP from a win before.

he has very high mmr, which probably means he has many more wins than losses in ranked. i have +20 or so (i think) and i usually get 20-25 for winning and 20-15 for losing.

Originally Posted by Grim View Post
Ok oracle i take it back, bronze players don't know what elo hell is lol. I've played 7 games and 4 of them ive had an afk or troll, first time ive ever had this many trolls in one day, might just be a bad day but oh god i hope it stops. I have been avobe 90 lp 4 times today and not once have i gotten into promos for gold 5

considering probability there is a higher chance for there to be an afk/troll on the opposite team than yours. i can't really say i've personally ran into a lot of afks or trolls, it's actually quite rare for me to run into them on either team in ranked, but in any case it's literally just probability and luck of the draw, though there are factors that can increase/decrease chances of this happening, like emotions, which team is losing/winning, etc.
the debate about ranked already has taken place before(reminder : you're supposed to play for yourself and ignore the stupidity of your teammates, try to guide them, and if it's to no avail just ignore them completely)
dunno why it still happens that people get so mad, if you lost, it's because you weren't good enough and need to keep trying until, in the long run, you get where you should be
obviously, in order to actually achieve this mentality, improvement should be your main goal, if you play only for rating or only to have fun, what i have said may not be valid( ex : ' i cant have fun with these people, they make me cringe' )
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Of course Kat, I was just frustrated because everybody takes ranked so seriously that I just can't enjoy myself playing it. Every game that wasn't a stomp in ranked had people's jimmies getting rustled left and right over the stupidest things and it sucks the fun out of the game after experiencing it for a couple hours. It made me feel like every 1 lp change was at the cost of 1 month of my life, and it made me terribly exhausted with it. People seem to get so much more desperate at the end of the season, and it shows in their actions. If I do pick up ranked next season, I'm getting gold well before the season's end.

I know I have room to improve. I realized that, while I own all the champions, my champion pools of comfortable picks for each role are lacking in several cases. My jungle picks are pretty much kha and nautilus, and naut is supposedly getting dumpstered in s5 jungle and kha gets banned frequently still. My mid comforts are azir, viktor, and veigar, so I'm fine there, even if I never get to play mid because everyone and their mother calls it. Top is trundle, maokai, and jayce, I need to learn a good top mage, probably ryze, as much as I hate playing top lane mages. My support pool has deteriorated heavily to blitz, thresh, alistar, or maokai, need to relearn the passive supports. And my adc pool has only corki sitting comfortably there because, for whatever reason, I can actually last hit well with that fucker. And csing in general is something I struggle with, so I gotta shore that up.

So I'm trying to learn some new roles in normal for next season, should I decide to do it. At worst, I can maybe stop everyone at my club from banning my blitz every goddamn game by terrorizing them on a different one.

Much more calm now that I could sleep off yesterday's gripes. That was probably the least fun day of videogames that I've had.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I see, well, having fun in a match is optional for me, I just stated my opinion on the matter(since we're different, I may not fully realise what you're going through whilst playing those matches)
btw, janna and soraka are free elo, just saying.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter