kwygon, your app is better than most of the shit that people post here. Nice work.

But since you read up well on RA before applying, you'll know that Sah is trying to ... "streamline" the clan, so some Wushu / lenshu replays would be good to post. Show us some style =)
Dude if that's what you're looking for then you'll have to come try later.
Imho (in my harsh opinion) those replays were a bit too stiff, they were sp, and even there you had a bit of problems with dming this sometimes, plus some of them were way too cliche, and symmetrical.
Now this is only me, now. cause generally those replays are ok. but it's not enough for me to let you join, mate. I'm not looking for ok replays or person that is below what I set as a clan's level. I'm looking for someone who'll bring it higher and higher. And to do that, you'd need to train a little.
Relax unused joints, don't do symmetrical openers/replays, make sure you transfer from one move to another smoothly, and be as manouvreable as possible (even more that possible) and you'll be my type of guy. For now: farewell. Cya later, stranger. Good application, indeed btw.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Ok. Thanks for thd advise oh, btw. My main mod is wushu.
Last edited by kwygon; Apr 29, 2009 at 07:46 AM.
I would like to join becuase ive been looking for a GOOD clan that isn't full of jerks. It is pretty hard to find one. I like Wushu, Instagib feet, and Judo. I also sometimes skateboard. I have a Skateboarding Replay that's pretty sick.
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Last edited by Wardemon98; May 3, 2009 at 10:58 PM.
I Strongly advise you not to click on Wå®Ð€mÕÑ
a clan application, and all you're giving us is a skateboarding replay and "you're not full of jerks"... erm... compliment?

I don't think you're really ready to apply. Sorry, but that's a no, try again laaaaaaaaaaaaaaater. (word stretched long to stress how "later" it should be) bye.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"

Yea, uhhh. My turn?

Please read the first post of this thread, for the directions towards what would be called a proper application. As this application is at the current time *despite the dear at the end* This will be completely unsatisfactory to the higher head up's. Thank you for your time.

Your friendly neighboorhood stalker,
-I am Unsatisfied.... the blood of children is not enough, no... I need fresher.... I need... TEENAGE PROSTITUTES!
-RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
"Also please note that sometimes the staff gets a wee bit pissy.
If you encounter a moderator when they're in a pissy mood, and you get banned... All I can say is: BAD LUCK" -Veb
There? Small right? Feel happier? Yes you do! OH YES YOU DO!... pls?

Yea, uhhh. My turn?

Please read the first post of this thread, for the directions towards what would be called a proper application. As this application is at the current time *despite the dear at the end* This will be completely unsatisfactory to the higher head up's. Thank you for your time.

Your friendly neighboorhood stalker,

O shit - someone posted this already ?