Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
I guess I could put more replays out alot more but I really didn't see anything wrong with my application but then again it doesn't seem like anything is wrong to me now a days

*Pokes with punctuation-stick*
In-Game Name: maximan21
Belt/Qi: blue
Reference from any member(s) of the clan: not really
Reference from notable any person(s): no
Join Date(The date you joined the forums): 06-19-2010
GMT (TimeZone): central
Preferred modes: aikido, wushu, easy breaks
Previous clans: none
Why do you want to join: well I want to be in a clan to meat other players and gain experiance i also want to duel and learn and eventually teach
Why should we let you join: im ranked in the 700s and im great at akiado
Ban history: none
And explain in a paragraph your personality im a nice modest person with a fun exstatic personality I enjoy tornaments and duels i am also loyal

um not really
GUYS, this guy wants to meat us, WHAT DO!?

His experiance may become greater than ours!

He's great at akiado!

Tornaments even!
I like him. Anyone who says he wants meat people is bound to be awesome.
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black

Also, Agentmax has fallen victim to a phishing site, according to his PM, or something like that. In any case, he seems to have aquired a NON-EXISTING under his name. Somehow. He's now Agent1000. Um.

those spelling errors he made could easily be mine as well.

I am starting to think that if I were to join today, I would be told Get the FUCK out NOW loje!

give the guy a FUCKING chanse!

a poll has been made, maximan.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!