Originally Posted by SnazzyBoss View Post
Helllo, fellow toribashers :3. I am Andrew Simon aka SnazzyBoss, and I would like to join Metal.

I am a 6th dan blackbelt and have been playing since August last year. I have just started to become forum active, as I started selling amature texures, that I make from Gimp 2.

I have been in a variety of clans including [Pro] [Drugged] [W] [Its] etc...

I am currently 12 years old and my birthday is on April 6th.

I am really active on the weekends(not the weekdays because of school)

Some of my favorite mods include: Mushu, Ninjitsu, Abd, Lenshu, Rk-mma, and a lil' bit of spar :]

I am 25% Native American and 75% Black.

I live in the upper part of New Jersey, in a small town 5 minutes from New York.
I have lived in that town my whole life I have 3 older sisters, we all are 3 years apart. My Gmt is -5, I think.

I have no alts.

I only speak English, however I am currently learning multiple languages at school(Including: Spanish, Italian, and German)

I've had few infractions from forgetting tags.

Shh... Im slick

Peace :]

You should combine the sentences into... well, I mean.. It doesn't matter if your application is looks like a 8-years old kid introducing him/herself in front of the class. At least you should add more details, you can combine the sentences into a relax chat paragraph, so your application worth our time and fun to read. Chat with us, we can know you better.
Apathy from me.
He said that he was in [pro]? Well I dont remember him...
But I think he is good in enough for trial. You should give him a chance to proof.
Добро не ценится — люди от него наглеют.

I know this guy I was in a clan with him a while back and I see him online regularly he is a good guy and would be good to the clan.

Name: Groumet
Belt : 10th dan
Why u want to join us? this clan active forum and ingame. im so intrested to join this clan.
Your favorite mods: rk-mma,aikidobigdojo,or something need da skillz
Nationality: indonesia, same like azure
How many languages you speak: 2.. English and indonesian
Special skills: marketing
Prev clan: (Shield) Dead months ago, [Essence] i too inactive for them
how long you play toribash: emm i played at 2011 but i always hacked by someone. i think was over 2 years or more
age: 14
Was inveted by someone? emm idk who
User card:
please i wanting to join this clan
M e H
No... you was member of more clans, i'm not surely, Essence is a pretty good clan... i didn't understand why you left them. And to be since, you seems a bit inactive. I don't think that you really want to join, we're just another active clan...
So my vote is no.
Originally Posted by Groumet View Post
Name: Groumet
Belt : 10th dan
Why u want to join us? this clan active forum and ingame. im so intrested to join this clan.
Your favorite mods: rk-mma,aikidobigdojo,or something need da skillz
Nationality: indonesia, same like azure
How many languages you speak: 2.. English and indonesian
Special skills: marketing
Prev clan: (Shield) Dead months ago, [Essence] i too inactive for them
how long you play toribash: emm i played at 2011 but i always hacked by someone. i think was over 2 years or more
age: 14
Was inveted by someone? emm idk who
User card:
please i wanting to join this clan

I saw you in a lot of clans. And you changing them like I am socks each morning. Imo, this clan is not a place for you.
Добро не ценится — люди от него наглеют.
Originally Posted by Groumet View Post
Name: Groumet
Belt : 10th dan
Why u want to join us? this clan active forum and ingame. im so intrested to join this clan.
Your favorite mods: rk-mma,aikidobigdojo,or something need da skillz
Nationality: indonesia, same like azure
How many languages you speak: 2.. English and indonesian
Special skills: marketing
Prev clan: (Shield) Dead months ago, [Essence] i too inactive for them
how long you play toribash: emm i played at 2011 but i always hacked by someone. i think was over 2 years or more
age: 14
Was inveted by someone? emm idk who
User card:
please i wanting to join this clan

You forgot to put the Metal logo. I always thinking of... Making a free form application is fun and possibly more fun to read. You need more efforts, details and proofs if you are a loyal member (that is really needed right now). Neutral as always ;3 I was thinking of.. He's active on forum, etc. He can raise up our clan activity ;o Neutral towards yes (waiting for someone vote yes)
Originally Posted by TreborPJ View Post
Azure,,,, -,..,-

Spam. Please delete.
Last edited by Azure; Oct 15, 2013 at 08:37 AM.