I was offline today because I was solving some things with my dad. Also, I got my PS3. If you want to add me...ULTRAGAMER103 at your service.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
Hey mates, today, I want you to show your opinions.

Imagine that PS4 and Xbox 720 have already been released. And imagine that only 10 games from PS3, Xbox 360, Wii and PC can get a 4K remaster. I would like to know which games and why. You can post about all the platforms, or vote only for PS3 or Xbox 360 and so on.

Example.: PS3 to PS4 4K
1-God Of War 3
Why: Because I want.
2- blablabla

P.S.: 10 games for each platform.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
In honor of all players.

P.S.: Michael is you. Doesn't matter if you are a PS3 player, Wii U player, PC, Ipad, arcade, Xbox... Whatever. You are a player, and game characters must thank you. Because your opinion makes em alive.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
Damn, you got obsessed by PS3 xp go get some trophies already
"I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am"[Death Plague] "Light the fuses, BITCHES!"
I am a PS player. I still have the whole PS family at my home dude. Why do you want me to give other examples and post about halo or mario bros if I've never had a console from nintendo or microsoft?

Also, nobody understood my idea right? Which games from this generation would you like to see in next generation?
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
I don't really know what I'd like to see, I play video games but I don't really "follow" them. If I see a cool game, I play it. The only game I'm actually looking forward to is Sly 4.
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
I don't really know what I'd like to see, I play video games but I don't really "follow" them. If I see a cool game, I play it. The only game I'm actually looking forward to is Sly 4.

Me too... Me too.

Also, why Okami is so special?
Best Cel-Shading graphics ever?
Last edited by torikill10; Feb 15, 2013 at 10:35 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
Sly ftw, I bought the sly collection for PS3 cause I liked sly 2 on the PS2... I still like Sly 2 the most. I don't understand why some people hate so much on COD. Ok, there are a lot of little kids and shit, but there are mute options. The only game I don't like that much is MW3, the spawns are a little fucked up. And what bothers me the most is the lack of teamwork. And that's where BF3 comes in. I have a lot of games, but most of em I don't even play anymore. School is the biggest time waster in history. You guys should check out this site/program called Raptr, it lets you view about everything on every game (like achievements, playtime, ...) on consoles like PS3, XBOX360 and PS3.

As for your question torikill, I would like to see a sequel on about every game I play now

"I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am"[Death Plague] "Light the fuses, BITCHES!"