Not sure about Flux.
Waiting for other guys. ;p

Also, from how long are you in enigma mate? O.o
Becouse i don't remember you. O.o

Edit: Wait, is that you Vog? You changed your nick bruh? :O

Sear, when i will be on pc i will show how was my avy created. ;O
Last edited by Ozzy; Aug 5, 2012 at 01:20 PM.
Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
Not sure about Flux.
Waiting for other guys. ;p

Also, from how long are you in enigma mate? O.o
Becouse i don't remember you. O.o

Edit: Wait, is that you Vog? You changed your nick bruh? :O

Sear, when i will be on pc i will show how was my avy created. ;O

I already a member of this clan from Starts
Ah yeah, i'm Vog :v
Yes to both, but get active on irc as well.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Thanks so far for the total agreements! I've been looking for a clan thats more of a family for like a month! xD
I didin't actually beat her.
Originally Posted by seargentit View Post
Hey! I'm Isaiah, I am 15. Ive been playing for a total of 2 years but I stopped for ahwile to find that my account was hacked of everything. So Now I have this brown belt account, (Almost black, only like 30 games untill I meet!) I consider myself nice, But I am Bipolar, so I am kindof sketchy on stuff like that, If you dont accept me for that I understand! :P Im good at most gametypes, also. Maybe the only mod I litteraly have NO skill in what-so-ever would be Ninjutsu! :P Im also VERY active!
Alright, I don't really know what else to say I guess. I hope you do accept me into your clan! -Isaiah

P.S. My name means Seargent Titties! xD

Also another edit! I am now a blackbelt again, so hurrah! And because my keyboard hates me and I have to type slow, Can I please just skip out on the Giraffe essay? haha

P.S.S! Ok, This is the last edit! I don't use IRC, NOt often atleast. and I live in Ohio, USA! Sorry for so many edits guys im kinda on a rush here xD

Giraffes are required.

The giraffe is an interesting animal and I learned a lot of new information; it is an African mammal. It’s the tallest land living animal. Males can be 16 to 18 feet tall and weight up to 3,800 pounds. Females are slightly shorter, and weigh less than males do. The giraffe is placed in the scientific classification family called Giraffidae. This family only consists of giraffe and its closest relative, the okapi. Giraffids evolved from a 10 feet tall antelope-like mammal that roamed Europe and Asia 30-50 million years ago. The earliest known giraffid was the Climacoceras, which still look like deer. They had large antler looking ossicones. It first showed up in the Miocene time period. As the evolution time went on the scientific classification genuses Palaetragus and Samotherium appeared early to mid Miocene time period. One species of the Palaetragus showed more giraffe like ossicones. Both the Palaetragus and Samotherium were tall at the shoulder... CAN I STOP NOW?! xD

I wouldnt say its exactly 30 page, but its an essay, and it works, right? :P
Last edited by seargentit; Aug 8, 2012 at 07:43 PM.
I didin't actually beat her.
Most of it taken from wikiderpia, but what ever. Still a yes.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth