I feel like the O's are too big, also, the last part of the curtain on the left side seems flat, you made the seam in it to make it look like it's bending outwards like the others, but you did no shading on it.

Overall really great, nice idea.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Make white parts more cool. xd
Over all pretty cool, just need some work.

Nice new avy Facade. ;p
Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
Make white parts more cool. xd
Over all pretty cool, just need some work.

Nice new avy Facade. ;p

I made that for him :3
Please bring back Organiζations board
Originally Posted by Katsudon View Post
Because I bought Ferrock's cartoon set from Lorr, I made this :3

Nice it's kinda similiar face righta here.
But why 100% fat?
Because fat is good for your health.

Katsudon is starting a health campaign in Timbuktu.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
It's my school tagline :3
Since I've decided to make the Ferrock set my personal set. I edited the head, and soon the body, while doing that I got bored though, I made myself a ground text :3
For me it's sig, not avvy.
But for first time it's pretty nice.
Just need cool background, and some more cool effects.