Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by RayWil View Post
Name: Chidi Uche
Gmt: +4
Ban/Frac History: None
Forum/Irc Activity: 8.0/10

Past Clans: None

Best Mod: Akido and Judo.

Talents: Basketball, Football, Coding, Blogging, Leading ect.

Why do you want to join?: I like the leaders as they have shown good leadership in the forums and the community around us. Also I think I match the criteria of the members here.

Why should I let you?: I am a friendly and obedient player. I also am outstanding and I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. I am an honest man and would love to be in your clan.

Info about yourself: Good at Basketball
Basketball (highlights are here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=219NfBhdE7M) , Love playing football too.


Originally Posted by TheSamurai0926 View Post
Name: Sam (Durr)
Gmt: Eastern Standards
Ban/Frac History: Umm....2 Infracs for useless posts, all expired
Forum/Irc Activity: Forum, 9/10 Irc, 8/10 Depending
Past Clans: EPIC, ICoF, DP
Best Mod: Wushu and AIkido
Talents: Replay making
Why do you want to join?: Since I have friends here, why not join? And this clan seems like the one that is cool.
Why should I let you?: Cause I am friends with a bunch of the members ('Specially you Silco AKA Dex ;o)
Info about yourself: I am a fan of Disturbed, I listen to metal and hard rock. Oh! And alternative. And I am good at paint art :v
Replays (3):

Originally Posted by darkshadow8 View Post
@Samurai: Why is Catastrophe banned?

It was actually my fault, when it was in my possession I was accused of hacking, Incidentally, It got banned after I gave it to Sam.