Originally Posted by Gundis View Post
Umm, it doesn't burn or sumething, it is getting warm, if you drink something with much alcohol.
Like wodka, but nothing like beer.

Ye its kinda not really burning but warm in your throat .

I drank 1 time 1 month ago to my 15 birthday an drink named " Black absinth" (80 % ) . Only drink that really burned in my throath.
But I never got drunk so I cant tell you how it feels to be drunk good replays )TEO your favorite satanist
Even if the beer is cold you feel hot lol?
beer doesnt feel hot only things like vodka with much %
Last edited by Mike2k5; Mar 14, 2011 at 05:29 PM.
whut im a commander now :l i loved enginer thing T.T
btw offcialy this clan is dying i mean we lose alot of member..
Last edited by kille142; Mar 15, 2011 at 09:58 PM.