Have all the DLC's as well, lovin them!
New weps are sick.

Starting over as a Renegade Infiltrator on Insanity.
Holy crap, ultimate badass.

One hit headshot killin for thaaaa wiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!

Still my favorite 1 person game ever.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
It's my favorite game ever, I don't have all the DLC's but I have Kasumi Stolen Memory, finished it in an hour, and I love the SMG.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
I bought ME1 on steam just so i can have a character with deeper history in ME2 (and any subsequent ones)

Slowly moving through it now.
ME1 is definitely worth it, although I still find ME2 the best solo game I've ever played.
Even bought Dragon Age: Origins just for the armor, which is awesome by the way.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Be sure to play through ME1 COMPLETELY.
So do the side missions as well, and the Garrus and Wrex mission.
Overall much more enjoyable than if you rush through it :B
I also recommend the hardest or second hardest difficulty setting, for more playtime.

Will earn you another achievement, as well as several characters that will return in ME2.
I got the game today and I'm not comfortable with some of the things.
1.Biggest issue is ammo. What happened to overheating? I now have to run around and get these little ammo packs hoping it will have a decent amount in it.
2. Those red veins that come down when you're dying, really not necessary.
3.Is it just me or does it feel a bit hard to control movement while running?
4.The weapons, I'm very limited at the moment only been able to use heavy pistol and light pistol(I think its called that) since I can't find ammo for the other guns or they're not picking up the ammo.
5. Limited in supplies. In ME1 every time you open a box you find armor or weapons, all I find is just credits =/

However overall it seems to have a very nice plot. Hopefully I can bring the old cre back together, already got Garrus.

Also anyone got any tips for vanguard, they seem very limited by their powers.
Vanguard? Just blast into their faces with Charge and shotgun them to death, because even if they have shields or armor, they'll get staggered. Then quickly retreat before their allies kill you, or proceed to shotgun all enemies to death. A point-blank shotgun blast deals crazy damage, though you'll want to be careful when facing krogans. Alternatively, SMG them to death from a distance, while bothering them with Pull and Shockwave. Or you could just wait for them to get closer and then blow them across the room with your shotgun.

Basically, Vanguard is all about getting in peoples faces and killing them rapidly. It's the closest you can get to a melee fighter in ME2.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol