Originally Posted by Broskii View Post
I haven't posted anything in a while, so i figured i'd go ahead and do it lol. Welcome to all the new members and i'm looking forward to warring with you. Ill be on later tonight and i'll get some wars in!

Welcome back someone i dont know
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
lol krulls i will post my replay soon i just updated tb so i lost all my replays ill make a new one quick

here krulls frame 2442 where im doing the punch thing
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for krulls.rpl (16.6 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Quack; May 4, 2015 at 08:29 PM.
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
I like how ancient is responding to broski faster than anyone else. Anyway welcome back man we missed you c:
Flames is my partner in science
Why wasn't I informed of my death -Flow
I really don't mind you posting here once in awhile.
But this thread is generally restricted to WAPOW members only and it is meant to reflect the history of our clan.

Please don't muddy it up with chit chat.
You have your own clan thread for that XD.

Got it, I will work on your Profile Pic soon.

Welcome to our family, we are excited to have another Toribash Legend join us.
How stacked can this clan get?



You shouldn't really post things like that. Seriously, if you want to do that, just save it for PMs.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Welcome to all the (many) new members! So happy to be a warlord now, woohoo! Looking forward to warring with everyone :3
I'm pretty sure that Krulls is talking about deoxer.
Flames is my partner in science
Why wasn't I informed of my death -Flow
You definitely have a strong presence in Toribash.

But I have admired great members such as Fleshmon and Teknical for a long time.
They guided me well in my early days.
Also Deoxer and JayXManHD bring serious reputations to this clan as well.

All of that said, I am proud of every member of WAPOW.
Many of whom have forged their reputations along side me while we revived this clan.

Don't forget that just last July, WAPOW was nearly dead and Ranked 152.
When I became leader, I basically started over.

Along with a few remaining members, we fought and struggled and forged a new great clan.
We built lasting friendships, came up with a plan and Climbed to #1 and became Official within about 6 months.

It has been a great ride.