hi im sorry for the inactivity im back! and i dont want to be an asshole like ladydeath but i sugest you guys delete the older treads but pls dont judge me wrong i didnt come back to piss you guys off i just wanted to give an advice pls dont take this idea wrong
Last edited by Razielts; May 1, 2009 at 12:01 PM. Reason: bad grammar
I am Raziel...The soul reaver
I will kill countless victims 2 hav my revenge and eat their souls Pls click my link
I don't think we should delete the older thread, some times u might need them ><

Plomaster has spoken.
Pointless signatures are written in white.
plomasta get your ass back to the mfr forums you havent posyed there for days >.>.

the older threads are still here because chris doesnt want anyone's post count to go down because of him deleting them so he simply just closed, besides it'd be pretty nooby having a 2 page long forun
Wannabe Furry, Proud Co-Leader of Marine Force Recon, I'mma be gone for a while guys :(
Hmm, the thing u need to do to save DR from "Death" ><
Is to reqruit members with high belt and same [GMT]
My [GMT] is +2 reqruit ppl with [GMT] 0-4...
Pointless signatures are written in white.
Wen are trying... but as you know, if your clan isn't famous and people want to apply, to recruit them is hard! We may make a room and recruit people with high belt and kinda same GMT time zone.
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau.(=I close my eyes and swear)