Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Belt:blue belt
Favorite Mod:wushu,judo,classic,teakkyon,aikido.
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:mostly 11GMT
Do you get annoyed when losing?: kinda, if the list is long
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: No
Anything else you want us to know? seekret
Belt:Green, almost blue
Favorite Mod:super_strength
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: GMT 8:00 in the morning
Do you get annoyed when losing?:No
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:somtimes
Anything else you want us to know?:I have great skills, so please let me join
I am a 3rd dan black belt,
I dont get angry when i lose,
I am 14 years old,
i live in America, North Carolina,
i dont make fun of others when they lose,
I AM BANDIT2102 =`}
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
Ok, so, everyone who wants to join, find either me, Jcgrey2, Vaitar or DarkSeraph in-game, they will test you, if you pass the test, you're in the clan.
Favorite Mod:wushu
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: erm... evening times i guess
Do you get annoyed when losing?: nope
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:never
Anything else you want us to know?:no not really
you shouldn't have read that
Belt: Brown (Soon to be black)
Favorite Mod: Classic
Age: 12
Country: Canada
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: about 4:30 GMT
Do you get annoyed when losing?: no only unless the winner rubs it in my face
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: only with friends
Anything else you want us to know?: i like pie
Belt: 7th dan 500 from 8th
Favorite Mod: Classic,judo,wushu,tk and kickboxs
Age: 23
Country: russia
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:enytime
Belt: black
Favorite Mod: wushu
Age: 14
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: at 8:00 GMT
Do you get annoyed when losing?: no
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: why would I?
Anything else you want us to know?: nope
you shouldn't have read that
This might be a wrong information but predator seems to be dead.
You should try to pm pawned or whoever the actual leader is right now.
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

yea guys, i believe the only people in this clan currently are pawned and vaitar ;) but you should pm them, you might be able to help em get revived
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
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