Originally Posted by HolyButler View Post
Hello bois.

I hope i make some friends here :>

Mmm.. hey there :>

Originally Posted by aracoon View Post
It's funny because I just got yelled at by like seven guys for cheating on them. Check my Facebook wall for details.
Welcome Holy o7 I'd like to think that we're pretty friendly, so you should.

I saw that.. how crazy was that!?

Originally Posted by Wight View Post
Has been a busy month, or so. I haven't been keeping track of time consistently.
Back to lurking.

Ohhh.. ;o
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
God, i slept for 15 hours straight, today. That was pretty damn awesome.

Also guys, we should totally meet up ingame sometime this weekend.
Buying/Selling heads by great artists? Shoot me a PM
I'll probably be on tomorrow if anyone's down for then.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420