Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Would you mind telling me where my application failed?

I got no problem with that.

So first, we got your experience. Our clan is trying to get official, so we like to get members who have experience in official clans and know how to act in one. It also means that we want active, and especially forum active members, and with your 17 posts, you don't seem like one.

Then, the content of your application. I for my part want much information about a player who is trying to get into my clan. And what you gave us, was simply not enough. We want to know more about you, your toribash career and what mods you like to play ingame, for example. Especially your last clans and when you left them is an important point. When you are applying a few days after you left your last clan, it doesn't let you look good. But it's even worse, when you are applying while still being in a clan. Such people are often called clanhoppers and not appreciated in the community.

A small rule besides, it's much better if you actually try to let us know you better before you apply. I don't know if you did that, but probably not, so I just wanted to note that.

I am sorry if any of the things I said are not true and/or not supported by other people in my clan, please tell me if that is the case. All I have to say now is:

Sry for my bad english.
thanks for replying my question, I'm still kind of new at all type of forums activity so I didn't actually know most of the stuff you told me
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
thanks for replying my question, I'm still kind of new at all type of forums activity so I didn't actually know most of the stuff you told me

No problem. I wish you good luck for the future.
Hello,my name is Jihad Scott(Isuckz) and i am 15 years old

To start off this application i just want to say i did apply for this clan before but i got denied for not making a effort to get to know you guys but i have been in your IRC before and just chilled for a while.But,back to the application.Ive been wanting to join this clan for a while now but never got to it until my past application.I can see that you guys are a very strong clan with alot of fun and active members.

I can also see that you guys are looking for players that have experience in being in a official clan.Sadly i have not had any experience in a official clan yet.My past clans are (Velocity),(Its),(LT),and (Bomb).I havent been in to many clans because i just havent found the perfect one yet.I am also not a clan hopper as you can see.

I also get denied by clans because of my belt.They usually say"You are too young in the game"(which i am not).I have had a past account back in 2010 named Cyronez but i never really played multiplayer with that account.I usually stuck too singleplayer.But i was pretty decent back then but i am even better now.

I am forum active and ingame active.Forum activity is probally 8/10 and ingame activity is probally 9/10.My favorite mods are ABD,mushu,wushu,and spar.Mainly ABD because ever since i created this account i have been playing in ABD and i am a pretty decent player in that mod.Ooo and btw i am very competitive and i love to have clan wars.So if i get a little bit intense during a clan war you know why XD.

And btw i am not trying to steal this from the example application but seriously if you dont understand some things i am saying its because it is 1:30 in the morning for me and i am very tired.But yea,thats my application,i put alot of work into this(and im super tired right now)and i hope you guys like it and i can get accepted into this wonderful clan

P.S Do i need to submit replays for this application?If so just tell me or we can meet ingame.
I meant to say "It is 1 :3 0 in the morning"
Ok im a idiot....i do need replays.Well,here ya go
Attached Files
savesss.rpl (82.8 KB, 3 views)
gotcha bitch.rpl (35.8 KB, 3 views)
bitch.rpl (43.8 KB, 3 views)
daa saveee.rpl (59.8 KB, 3 views)
da match.rpl (87.3 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by IsUCkZ; Nov 29, 2014 at 07:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Have you ever heard of that thing called a space bar? It is quite useful at times.especially,when you want to,impress,and be accepted. But no, seriously Full-stops and commas, do not suffice as a nice space(It takes a 10th of a second to press the space bar, and in an approximated average 600,000 people will do it at the same time.)
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by IsUCkZ View Post
May I ask how my application is going?

Well, it doesn't happen much right now. But it also doesn't look good for you.