Originally Posted by pedroy View Post
im on lvl 52

what an amazingly detailed and intricate post. Thank you for all that information, including realm, name, faction, class, and race. You really are a credit to the forums, as well as a credit to the game itself.
Originally Posted by rittu View Post
what an amazingly detailed and intricate post. Thank you for all that information, including realm, name, faction, class, and race. You really are a credit to the forums, as well as a credit to the game itself.

I can probably guess.

Blood elf
dathdestryer (insert alt codes)
Mal'ganis alliance.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
MY info

Well here's my info

I have a lv 80 DK but I'm working on right now is my level 62 priest
server: alleria
Race: Human

I'm also working on a Level-Profession guideline system to stick to (This version is only for engineering-Mining sorry)
Because i notice to many level 80s have to back track to lower level areas and farm their professions, which is very boring, this system tells you if your behind or not, mainly it just tells you to keep on track or not.
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Fan club
on.toribash advertising space here, pm me lol(75tc per week i haggle)
^ Seriously My honest opinion about this game is its the best MMORPG out there ( Until some new generation thing ;) ) Its totaly worth the buy
Back in business
Originally Posted by ChocoboFTW View Post
hmm im curious, is Wow worth the money? is it a good game?

I wouldn't consider getting it now in this year , because there seems to be some very awesome upcoming Free MMOS like Dragon Nest or Vindictus and some others that I don't remember there names.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
World of Warcraft is not even close to Dragon Nest or Vindictus, if you enjoy the type of game where you do raids and hunt for loot and shit, then buy World of Warcraft.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
World of Warcraft is not even close to Dragon Nest or Vindictus, if you enjoy the type of game where you do raids and hunt for loot and shit, then buy World of Warcraft.

OOohhh lume lume lume
You must not forget about the WONDERFUL arena that wow has
/drool over it so hard
I wouldn't consider getting it now in this year , because there seems to be some very awesome upcoming Free MMOS like Dragon Nest or Vindictus and some others that I don't remember there names.

LOTRO will start as a F2P game this fall
Lord of the Rings Online
I'll definitely try it out.
So yeah.
It's the only real competition to WoW along with WAR and MAYBE Age of Conan.
Just leaving that here. :3