Originally Posted by Aadame View Post
whathefuck why teacher list is so short now and alot of people are not in it? :/

No one teaches. They aren't teachers if they don't teach.
I came here to laugh at you

Pretty much. I'm pretty much the only guy that goes ingame from time to time willing to teach, but no one takes up the offer.

people would rather learn from mocucha, swexx, or any of those other well known sparrers than someone who also knows what they're doing and is willing to teach.
the goblin
As Tamakuu said, i don't really spar as much because i've been busier. Also Nobody asks us to teach them, they wanna learn from the famous people that has little to no time to be bothered with them.. If i did try to teach then most would DC or quit on me, so i'm on a break from sparring.
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
Hi there spry.

Where've you been?

I've been quite busy during april. Between review classes and swimming lessons, I only had enough time to do other stuff.

Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post

Pretty much. I'm pretty much the only guy that goes ingame from time to time willing to teach, but no one takes up the offer.

people would rather learn from mocucha, swexx, or any of those other well known sparrers than someone who also knows what they're doing and is willing to teach.

Mocucha isn't even that good. I understand that he's popular and made these videos and all that, but I still wonder.

Anyways, the newbies are eating up his teaching, so why not.
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post

Pretty much. I'm pretty much the only guy that goes ingame from time to time willing to teach, but no one takes up the offer.

people would rather learn from mocucha, swexx, or any of those other well known sparrers than someone who also knows what they're doing and is willing to teach.

This isn't true, I don't want their help, I rather have yours because I know you and therefore I respect you,
But I do have one question, using lumber helps get balance while running straight for example to an enemy?
One thing I don't like of certain known sparrers, they act like there's certain rules for sparring.
I say it's tips but not rules.
I don't exist
@SpryTryne which is saddening why people want to learn from him.

@Sicmo Yes. Using the lumbar also corrects your kicks, making them look a lot more flashy and exciting.
the goblin