Both heads are to be sold at 50k each, but Jr members get half price seeing as I'm not selling them to just a random user, Dengue bought alpha's head for 25k because of this.
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
i didnt know it, I just bid.
Are you in need of toricredits?

No it's fine my dude, thanks anyway.
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
Both heads are to be sold at 50k each, but Jr members get half price seeing as I'm not selling them to just a random user, Dengue bought alpha's head for 25k because of this.

Yeah, they look really nice. :> However, I'm not in the need of a nice head at the moment. I will tell you if I change my mind thought.
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale
Originally Posted by Raid View Post
Yeah, they look really nice. :> However, I'm not in the need of a nice head at the moment. I will tell you if I change my mind thought.

Yeah, no problem, would you like me to hold onto it for you until you make your decision?
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
Yeah, no problem, would you like me to hold onto it for you until you make your decision?

Hm, no thanks. However, if you did make those heads I'd be down with asking you to make a specific head for maybe a 10k payout? (it's a very simple head). All I want you to do is make me a pikachu head. Like with the eyes and the smiles etc, I don't want it to be pictures of pikachu on my head. I want it to be pikachu's head as my head. Also, be sure to make it really cute. :>
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
I'm going to be selling my last 2 quality head, just wanting to check if any JollyRoger members are interested in them.
Here they are

Monoib head

Alphasonik head

Edit: well I'm going to make a thread about it, Jr members get priority over other members and will be able to buy them for a much cheaper price. I don't expect them to go straight, if you're interested hit me up with a pm and we will be able to work things out

really nice heads! they are worth way more than 50k, are these the early works of alphasonik?

Hello all, I know this may not be the place but I saw the art work as was liking what I viewed.

So I am here to ask if someone could set me up with a well detailed banner JUST one for my clan called [Flux] I'm willing too pay up too 20k for the one banner. It must contain the colours - Black, Silver & White. If you can do this it would be great I want the style of the picture based on future style robotic and such.

If one of you guys could do this I would be oh so happy.
Rythm smells like Cheese
The players I've seen that have been known to do the best clan banners are russian players, they make their own toribash forums so it is expected that their work is of high quality.
Only difficulty is trying to work something out with them as they speak an entirely different language and most hang out on their forums not toribash's.