Stay with the clan plz
guys plz stay in the clan and help it become better btw i vote potram for new leader
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
well guys i'm thinking of selling this head texture so.. tell me what you think?


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I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Matarika's application :D
Real name: Gissel (emily) Vernandez

Belt: Black

Rank: 5997

Age: 15 (soon 16)

Skype(raises chances of getting in): sorry no

Previous clans(if none put none): The Rainbow Mustaches

Reasons why you left the clan: Everybody in that clan, discourages me. They are rude, I came into the clan for family, and learning, neither of which they did or gave me. They make fun of things i do, and never invite me to anything. So I'm looking for a clan that can help me in my journey to gaining some more skill and a tori-family, and you guys look like you fit that description, you guys rock

Previous bans(if none put none): I was sadly banned because i was brand new to the forum, and i sold a texture someone gave me rights to, and apparently it was not right still, and i was banned for a day because it was my second strike. (below is first strike.)

Previous infractions(if none out none): I was infracted because like above i was new, and sold a Hampa texture that was given to me and told to sold, and i was infracted.

Why do you want to join this clan: I want family, learning, knowledge. I really hope my previous ban/infraction doesnt affect my chances, because like i've said, i was new to the forum, and didn't know any better. I pleaded with the Toribash staff, to realize this mistake i've made, and understand I'm new, and they kindly ended it early due, to me not knowing better. So i hope this doesnt effect anything, i really want to learn more about this game. I've ruined my chances with popular clans already, because of that. I really hope i can get in. (sorry for my sob story, i dont expect you to really care, but i just thought i'd throw that in there)

Most have 3 replays:

GMT: Eastern USA, New Jersey

Most active days you're on: School is coming up for me, so the weekends. I Should be active on the forum somedays of the week though.

Tell us a little about yourself: Im female, Name is Gissel (emily) Cooper, Im 15, female, Blone/Brunette, Im outgoing, im funny (or at least try), im serious when i need to be, i'm never cocky, or rude. I dont like to start trouble. I'm easy going. Dedicated to a clan that loves its members. I dont argue, or talk back. I'm all ears, and always listen to reason. I love toribash. Been playing Freeplay mode since 2011 April, started playing online since 2012, and Started becoming more active on the forum this year.

Best mod(s): Any type of sparring, Aikido, i dabble in parkour, and Taekyyeon

Will you follow the rules?: Yes 100%

What member (If any one [flip]) sent you here: none

Skills (Video making, art, banners etc: Art: Adobe Photoshop LUV IT, and Video: After effects, iMovie, and Adobe premiere pro, i love those to.

Alts (If any): I'm not sure what that is. Sorry >_<

Anyone you know in this clan: i dont know anyone, but i'd love to know you all even if im not accepted! you guys are awesome, and i'd love to spar sometime.

(sorry about any grammatical errors, i wrote this thing twice, because my computer crashed the first time >_< so i'm not thinking about it as much as the first time, but i still but my best into it. Thanks for your time.
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the soarer 3.rpl (44.2 KB, 5 views)
the soarer.rpl (57.8 KB, 6 views)
the soarer 2.rpl (63.5 KB, 5 views)
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
well.. bro oh.. Girl, you have a big chance off getting in tho this clan, but don't clan hop, (it means you have to quit youre clan you are in, to get in here, cause it gives the clan a bad reputation, and you have more chances of geting in.) These guys are really nice, I mean it :P they are really nice this is the best (nicest) clan ever, Mobin (Mobinladen) is the best leader ever, so be happy and, Good Luck Matarika!
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Thank You so much, i will quit my clan, sorry i was just so fast to leave them, i forgot to actually leave them! haha I'm glad this clan is of good reputation.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Np matarika, ive been in this clan, can't say i don't love them ;) Just be more forum active, that means here, like.. write things somtimes like Hello ;) and things like that
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
ALRIGHT! whew 16tc out of the 10000-9400tc i need for a head texture
Become one with the cow.
If you need to contact me, my Discord username is simply "ediblecow."