Hey man welcome back. Good to have you in Ele again, right now I'm currently stripped of internet because I failed a drug test. Yay. I'll fix up forum upon my return.
Welcome Matare!

Anybody who wants to help me, dl/ and lp/ me, you'll see my second set. I would like to get feedback about it.
It isn't ready yet, but rate what you can see.
Last edited by ikyo_old; Jan 13, 2013 at 07:25 PM.
Originally Posted by ikyo View Post
Openfield: I deleted my answer accidentally 2 times, so I didn't have time to answer properly Here's my "try" Also it's hard to type with phone.

Ich geht in Berlin, Rostock und Lüebeck. Ich verbrachte sechs Tages in Berlin und drei Tages in Lüebeck.

Ich verbrachte gesamt reisen in Norddeutschland und morgen gehe ich mit Bord nach Finnland.

Hope you did understand even something, I really suck at speaking and form sentences :/

Hotshot: That's. Good to hear

Heya, took me some time to answer. Yeah i got most of it Hopefully, i can see you in-game sometimes.
Element <3
I'm not very active in in-game, but when I'm on, I'll find you

Does anybody know about the recruitment thread which was meant to do? Just asking.
Last edited by ikyo_old; Jan 16, 2013 at 07:47 PM.