ono I'm applying, whatdo?

Sooooo what's up guise? My name is Zach, in-case you didn't know, and I have finally decided to apply for c3 after about a week of thinking. I have been invited to about 8 different clans, and I have made my decision to apply for c3. Anyway, I am 16 years old, I play sports, I lurk the forums pretty much all day long, and I am on irc constantly. I play in game sometimes, but I specialize in making replays, so usually I am doing single player unless I see a friend in-game. I want to join this clan because after a week of strenuous thinking, I have finally decided that this is the right clan for me. The reason that I applied, in all honesty, is because I was invited by a few of the members, I am good friends with most of the members in here, and this clan just has a really good set-up overall. I love how everyone is so active, it just makes me want to join this clan oh so much more. I have always liked this clan, even when it was just being made, I always knew it would turn out alright. I have been around since early '08, so I remember the making of this clan, actually, the making of a lot of clans that are official right now. I left coffee around a week or so ago, and I have been thinking about just staying clan-less for a while, but I kept getting invite after invite to different clans, but then I saw that Glow wanted me to join c3, and I thought that was cool, because I have always thought a clan like this would fit me quite well. I have a few infractions and such, but actually, I have never been banned. I haven't been infracted in about a year or two because I usually tend to follow the rules, which works quite well. I am hoping I can stay here, in c3, and not leave automatically like I have for the past 3 clans I have been in (Tint, [e], and Coffee, I had to leave [e] cause Alan closed it down). So yeah, that is pretty much about it, I will post a more easy application format below, so you can get to know me, and find what you need to know about me easier.

Here it is-

Name: Zach

Age: 16

Gmt: -7 (Mountain Standard Time)

Past Clans: Well, I have been in a ton of clans, I will try to name them all. I have been in Triforce, Unce, UkeDemons, YES (velocity), Evil, doc, Tint, [e], and Coffee. I have probably been in a few unknown clans before, but I don't remember them if I have. All (or at least most) of my clans were official. The only non-official one was [e]. I left the clans due to either inactivity, I wanted a new clan, or I was just getting pissed with the clan.

Infraction/Ban History: Well, I have never been banned before, but I do have about 4 or 5 infractions, all from a few years ago (mostly 2008 and 2009). The last time I was infracted, I think was either last year or 2 years ago, and it was a minor infraction. I tend to do well just by following the rules, I just wish other people would get this, too.

Activity: Like I said in my free-form, I am very active on the forums, irc, and I am pretty active in-game, though usually I am making replays. I would say 9.5/10 on the forums, 10/10 on irc, and 7/10 in-game.

Reason I would like to join: Well, I have actually spent a lot of time thinking about joining a clan or not, and I was really thinking about joining either C3, or Raid. However, I am not to fond of all the members in Raid, and their forum activity is lower than I would like. Gelo invited me, but I declined. Then, Glow wanted me to join C3, and I really actually took some thought into the invitation. This is an extremely active, stable clan, and I think it would be a good idea to join.

Special Skills (as in art, toribash, etc.): Well, I actually do have a lot of special skills. I am in an advanced high school art class, and I have made numerous textures. I made an abstract oil painting on a canvas, and it is in the state show right now, I am hoping I will get a decent place. In Toribash, I am trying to perfect my dancing and realism, and be able to be in ORMO and such, but I haven't applied to ORMO in quite a while. I applied to the Runner's League and my chances seem good right now. As for Video Making, I have made my share of videos, I am good with editing (sony vegas pro 10), and I actually have made commentaries before (videos of minecraft, etc.). I'll link my channel at the bottom.

A little about myself: Well, I'm from America, and I love sports, mainly tennis. I am, a Sophomore in high school (10th) grade, and I am playing varsity on my team (the advanced tennis team). I spend a lot of my free time on the forums, and making youtube videos. I also spend a lot of my free time making art, and editing random shit with sony vegas pro 10. I am a very active person, I like to get out a lot, and I'm surprised with all this stuff going on in my life, that I can actually get on the forums so often. It is Easter Sunday today, so that may be a main reason I have been on like all day, haha. But yes, that pretty much sums me up.

Vouchers (Invitations): Well, I guess you could say I was invited by the entire clan, everyone I've met from c3 has wanted me to join, especially Glow, and so, here I am, applying.

Well, that pretty much sums up my application. Thanks for reading, and I hope you take me into consideration.

Once again, Thanks,
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
My application :3

Hello, my name is Trewnek and I want to join. I am 18 and started to play Toribash (again) one month ago. I don't have many posts, but I will start veeery hard if you want. I like beer, I'm better in akido after some beers. My country is Poland... There is one word with 1000 meanings in polish. It's "kurwa". We can use it in any situation - as a point, in a shitty situation, when talk is not going on. I like this word almost so much like beer. We have funny situations in Poland - in politics (they are arguing just to be first), in religion - too many churches, in drinking - too much vodka. I'm 1st dan blackbelt, still learning in many situations ("F**** SHOVELER!"). I'm still getting better (can kick ass to shovelers and they are disconnecting after one fight, what a fun ^).

Something about me I'm never giving up. Once my dad said: "you won't play guitar", but for now he says that he was wrong. I was born i Wroclaw city - in the past it was in Germany, but after II WW it's in Poland. For now i'm living in Rajgród - small town with no 24 h shop (:<). I am good at drawing - really. Some pencil action, I love it. My fav music is rock and all similliar, like blues, reggae, even metal sometimes. Dogs are my fav animals - they will always wait for you, they are faithful and just friendly.

Something about Toribash I found Toribash in forums, and at once i downloaded. I was playing to blue belt, but after hard disc format I forget about this game. I returned to Toribash month ago... Like it now very very much...

Something about past clans I was in Decoded, but they are... hmmm... just letting everybody in. So i leaved. For now I want to be in real-action clan....

Something about my head texture Yes, i know it's ugly. Thank you.

Why i want to join I don't know really. I like Chris arts... Your jokes... Name... And your name.

My lifestyle I like to chillout. Like Monty Python and psychodelic things. Like to learn about people behavior.

Why I like beer I just like it. Taste, smell, and things.

I am naive and hoping that you let me in. I'm not giving up.


*Jumping through the window
Last edited by Trewnek; Apr 24, 2011 at 11:16 PM.
Yes to faint. lol bandwagon
Trewnek's app is stupid and contains SHIT I don't want to read. Complete idiotic reason to join, and you sound like you're trying to be funny. You're not.
Get out
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up