To all eVo members: Sorry, I am withdrawing my app. It's not that this isn't a good clan or anything, it is one of the best clans I know. I really love all the members and will stick around the forum. I am going to make a clan with my cousin N8t like I promised at the beginning of this year. (Around January - February) You guys are all amazing and will be thankful for forgiving me for wasting your time/leaving my application. (It also isn't the time period that it has taken so far, I just made a promise and my cousin and I wanted to make one a long time ago.) if you would. Also please don't be mad :/. You guys are really great.

Thank you again for your time. I will be posting around here still if you guys don't mind, I really like all of you .

Also, good luck to all the applicants that applied to eVo and still being discussed. Wish the best for you guys.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Name: Vamp_09 / Preston
Age: 21
Belt: 7th dan -10th dan (long story... ill know in a week i guess)
Past Clans: something i forget, Revolution, ICOF.
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): Vamp_09__(another long story)
Bought QI?: no
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): None
Modes your good at: Aikido, sword&board, teak kyon, sambo.
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): editing replays is the best i've got...
GMT: -06:00
Player Card:
About yourself: I am an xbox and pc gamer, i enjoy dark fantasy/rpg games such as darksouls, i also enjoy sports like golfing, and archery.
Why you want to join [eVo]: I know a few of the current members here and i also do not want to join a clan made after the point when i joined toribash. (May of 08 | Getting older lol...)
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: Just another skilled fighter and the respect due to its other members as well as others in general. Also i am usually pretty active, and should you add me to steam or skype if you have it i will usually be about to chat with you if I'm not on toribash.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
Name: Vamp_09 / Preston
Age: 21
Belt: 7th dan -10th dan (long story... ill know in a week i guess)
Past Clans: something i forget, Revolution, ICOF.
What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): Vamp_09__(another long story)
Bought QI?: no
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): None
Modes your good at: Aikido, sword&board, teak kyon, sambo.
Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): editing replays is the best i've got...
GMT: -06:00
Player Card:
About yourself: I am an xbox and pc gamer, i enjoy dark fantasy/rpg games such as darksouls, i also enjoy sports like golfing, and archery.
Why you want to join [eVo]: I know a few of the current members here and i also do not want to join a clan made after the point when i joined toribash. (May of 08 | Getting older lol...)
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: Just another skilled fighter and the respect due to its other members as well as others in general. Also i am usually pretty active, and should you add me to steam or skype if you have it i will usually be about to chat with you if I'm not on toribash.

Sup Vamp, long time no see ~Bhsninja
[eVo]|Order of Taekkyon|2007
If you're enough mature to understand the system I guess you should know that in eVo you don't just post an app to get in.

It takes time to see your behavior, your in-game skills etc. Next time you post an app be sure that you're willing to wait everybody answers..... Don't be such a child and be patient.
Originally Posted by Ninja View Post
Sup Vamp, long time no see ~Bhsninja

dude... you changed your name again lol, no fair, didn't know you still played. We'll need to catch up in-game sometime.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Originally Posted by Beta View Post
To all eVo members: Sorry, I am withdrawing my app. It's not that this isn't a good clan or anything, it is one of the best clans I know. I really love all the members and will stick around the forum. I am going to make a clan with my cousin N8t like I promised at the beginning of this year. (Around January - February) You guys are all amazing and will be thankful for forgiving me for wasting your time/leaving my application. (It also isn't the time period that it has taken so far, I just made a promise and my cousin and I wanted to make one a long time ago.) if you would. Also please don't be mad :/. You guys are really great.

Thank you again for your time. I will be posting around here still if you guys don't mind, I really like all of you .

Also, good luck to all the applicants that applied to eVo and still being discussed. Wish the best for you guys.

Good luck with your clan so ;)

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
dude... you changed your name again lol, no fair, didn't know you still played. We'll need to catch up in-game sometime.

Totally, haha.
BTW, I know what Vamp is capable of, he would be a good addition to eVo imo.
Yes from me.
[eVo]|Order of Taekkyon|2007
Umm... Sorry I fucked up so I am re-applying. <3 ;)

Name: Devin

Age: 16, 17 on the 28th.

Belt: 5th Dan

Past Clans: Ultimate, Exil3, Herbal,

What was your previous nicks or former accounts (if any): Dimebag95, Dime77, SlaYeR1995

Bought QI?: Why have QI when you can have WeeD!

Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): OfCannibis, and maybe Trip?

Modes your good at: Aikido, Gr3ykido (Most of Low Gravity Modes)
TaekKyon (Now and then)
I am open to any and all mods but ^those are my favorite. ;)

Other Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing etc..): Marketing

GMT: -6

Player Card:

About Yourself: Well my name is Devin I like to beat the shit of out people in Aikido when I get off of work, I like to smoke WeeD while I am doing so.
I like to chill with my friends otherwise. I am also a fairly decent guitar player and bassist! My favorite genre of music is (Metal & Rap, a lil of everything I guess) I am down to earth and real relaxed. (One with the roots!)

Why You Want To Join [eVo]: I have always wanted to join eVo, it just feels like the clan for me.
Lots of open minded people with talent, skill, heart, honor, courage.. Cont. etc etc
Plus I heard there was WeeD here!!!

What Do You Think You Can Bring To eVo To Better It?: The only think I wish to do is spread the good will, skill, and laxed-ness of eVo to every corner of the game, making the name eVo loved by many, hated by some, and feared by all.
Last edited by Tripstone; Dec 13, 2012 at 04:38 PM.