Are you talking about that guy shooting everyone at the theater? Well, I think it happened in Colorado... The Court of Colorado are hearing the testimony of the victims' family. There are 2 ways to solve this: Perpetual Imprisonment or Execution. The Court of Colorado is thinking which of these 2 they will use.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
I got banned for requesting single enemies I didn't know that was a bannable offense.
Anyway, see you in 5 days.
I will be inactive for some days. My PC crashed and I'm deleting everything so I can install Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits. And then my PC will unleash it's full power. Also, as it crashed I need to send it to a PC medical center (Believe me, they exist in Brazil.). I have no idea what happened. It opens the desktop and everything works. But after that it doesn't load a single Bit. Even when I do the shutdown command, it stays in an eternal loop of Logoff. What it can be?

Sorry, but I will stay out of in game for 2 weeks maybe.
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
I'm back. Corrupted OS.
The solution: Reset All

Btw, let me tell you something. WTF happened in the olympics? I saw the final match of Olympic Boxing: Brazil Vs Japan. The Brazilian fighter was really using clinch holding a lot. And he was punished with a penalty. But the Japanese fighter was punching the Brazilian fighter's back! I mean, striking his head on that part where it's not valid( shit, I don't know the name ). AND THE REFEREE DID NOTHING! NOTHING! WHERE'S THE JUSTICE? No one likes Brazil (damn you stupid political!)
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
Hey, atleast you guys had some people competing.
I saw like... 1 portuguese guy that got 9th on triathlon.
oh yeah
Gosh, that was terrible. Good luck on Rio 2016. See you there ;)
"N00b clap works too properly for being called a n00b move."
Heh, I guess so.

On a completely unrelated topic, now that I earned some TC on events, I was thinking that maybe we should make an event, but I am clueless about what kind of event it would be.

Or, if you're still up to ParZ, we can still open dat video shop :U Problem is I can't seem to install AAE.
Last edited by pusga; Aug 13, 2012 at 12:43 PM.
oh yeah