Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Kinda annoying aint it, I havent played LoL in ages now, sticking to Minecraft the most addicting game known to man besides WoW.
Anyone pick me out a good starter character for me to buy on LoL, with the free credits not the riot points

What types of characters do you like playing? eg casters, dps, tank...
I prefer the ones that have more control over the opponates, eg stuns, slows, also it has to be able to do nice damage if I gear them correctly because I would like to be able to kill the OP people that attempt to rape me
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I prefer the ones that have more control over the opponates, eg stuns, slows, also it has to be able to do nice damage if I gear them correctly because I would like to be able to kill the OP people that attempt to rape me

You basically described irelia except for the "starter" part, she has a passive that completely rapes all cc depending on how many enemies are around her and she has tons of survivability and damage.
@ souldevj

There are many chars that have strong CC and strong damage output - this usually comes at a price however. Be it a high skill level, a lack of mobility, high item dependency, etc.

I'll try to list the chars who are easy to learn/play and have CC + damage:

Annie (Downside: Next to no sustainability, only burst, low mobility, semi-squishy)
Ashe (Downside: Item dependent, will rarely win a straightup 1 vs 1 - only after kiting, low mobility, squishy)
Caitlyn (Downside: Conspired to be very weak (she isn't), expensive (6300), CC is situational, very item dependent, squishy)
Irelia (Downside: Item dependent, CC strength is situational, expensive, likely to be nerfed soon)
Nocturne (Downside: Squishy, CC is delayed, expensive)
Ryze (Downside: Damage falls off late game, no escape mechanism)
(AP) Sion (Downside: Item dependent, mana hungry, no burst mobility)
Singed (Downside: Somewhat item dependant, no burst mobility (super mobile otherwise), "weird" playstyle (Not super-newbie friendly, but you can still learn + play well), damage starts to tick in after a short while, CC is rather unconventional)
Xin Zhao (Downside: No escape mechanisms, semi-expensive (3150))

There are, of course, other champions that combine strong CC and damage (Anivia, Malz, TF, Swain, Udyr, etc.) but they really aren't newbie-friendly champions.

Personally I'd recommend Singed if you like tanks, Ashe if you like ranged, Annie if you like casters, and Xin Zhao if you're into melee champions.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Thank you for using your time to write all of this useful information down, it really helps, thank you thank you thank you

I'm not so new but I hate Ashe and I only had enough for Dr Mundo, I have seen people rape as him so if you know anything about Mundo and fighting please say so )))))
Last edited by souldevilj; Apr 13, 2011 at 07:52 PM.
Fell in love with Urgot again. Almost 300 AD and over 200 MR and 150 armor, plus shields, plus slows, plus an additional 130 MR and armor if I ult, plus armor reduction.

I... felt... like... GOD.

And if you're wondering, the excessive MR was because they had a fed annie, a heimer, and a kennen early game. Needless to say, the extra MR helped...
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Lol what, you're building some tank urgot. Get 500 ad and rely on your brain and range instead of taking all the hits, lol. This would be even better counter than stacking mr, as you could get like 400~~ ad and banshee veil along to survive first strike of them, then you'd just three-shot them. Three shotting annies is cool thing.

Also souldevilj, try nunu, he is easy to play, has slow, speed boost, high-damage ultimate and newer players usually don't know how to counter nunu. Other champion fitting your description would be Sion, but Sion requires some practice, as he can only spit his combo and is either out of mana or has cooldowns [protip:blue buff].

In early levels it shouldn't be as hard, just come as close as you can to the enemy and launch it. Enemies probably won't even know that they should stun you.
Last edited by JtanK; Apr 14, 2011 at 05:43 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Lol what, you're building some tank urgot. Get 500 ad and rely on your brain and range instead of taking all the hits, lol. This would be even better counter than stacking mr, as you could get like 400~~ ad and banshee veil along to survive first strike of them, then you'd just three-shot them. Three shotting annies is cool thing.

Also souldevilj, try nunu, he is easy to play, has slow, speed boost, high-damage ultimate and newer players usually don't know how to counter nunu. Other champion fitting your description would be Sion, but Sion requires some practice, as he can only spit his combo and is either out of mana or has cooldowns [protip:blue buff].

The only problem with nunu is that his ult can be hard to land.
They are giving 350 Riot Points to everyone who has been active in the past 30 days as a apology for the server stability.
Man don't you just love riot.

Smack Bitches.

Originally Posted by Shaogorath View Post
They are giving 350 Riot Points to everyone who has been active in the past 30 days as a apology for the server stability.
Man don't you just love riot.

They're just the best.