Ingame recruitment servers never work anyways.
Most "decent" people either stopped playing the game, or have a clan.
That's ok, i think...
But i have a question, what happnned with the another members? I mean, we have a lot of active members but no one is posting...
Originally Posted by Sainzgc View Post
That's ok, i think...
But i have a question, what happnned with the another members? I mean, we have a lot of active members but no one is posting...

The list has to be updated a bit.

However, its a pain to find sufficient time for that.
Thanks for letting me join the trail rank I think? I will try my best to impress you.
Belive it or not I used to go ingame once.
Yeah... It happen with every clan, right?
Actually a lot of strong clans have many inactive members...
Welcome lewis.
Hey I saw fivah today He has a irl job!?!?! :o He has a life woah but he has lost his trail gm thing I think that sucks.
Oh yeah and sainzgc hax the server today he kept winning me I call hax :3
Last edited by lewis862; Mar 18, 2013 at 03:47 AM.
Belive it or not I used to go ingame once.
I left because there was 4 members and they weren't what I thought they would be.
Belive it or not I used to go ingame once.