Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'm back, a ready to defend Ascend once again. If anyone is there, anyone loyal enough to wait it out please fight again, if we can get us to the top 10 clans, recruiting will be easier and more often. (Plus we'll get stronger fighters).

I will be warring as much as possible in the coming weeks, by myself. If anyone wishes to join me please do, I will announce every war about 5 mins beforehand.
Toribash Media |[TeamWushu]
Sorry, I'm so sorry for being in-active I've been caught up in school and my girlfriend just other things

Solax was here.
Ahh, so the infamous whiskers returns. Welcome back then. ^
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
Prowler like
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Of course Astral, lol.

Whiskers: welcome back, caught up in school eh? Understandable I too have lots of school work, and a complicated social life

Gamer: you wanna re-invite... Again?
Toribash Media |[TeamWushu]
Eh, I'll think about it. I applied for Ultimate so maybe if I get denied.
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
My girl wants to do so much with me I never get time alone "hey babe lets do this" "hey babe lets go to dinner" "hey babe lets go to a movie" "hey babe rub my back" (I quite enjoy dat one) "babe Im fat" "babe im hungry" It gets annoying after awhile i get she loves me but she has other people ugh now im like any girl on fucking facebook with useless posts i might as well put a photo of starbs and make some useless hashtags#starbs4life #follow4follow #ihearthashtags #whiskers #icomplaintomuch #swag? #omg
I just noticed I said starbs 0.0 what demon have I become! the white girls are getting to me! helpp
Last edited by Princess; Oct 1, 2014 at 07:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Solax was here.
Little clingy huh?

Gamer: good luck with Ultimate if not you can come back if you wish, but I'll be expecting some extremely competitive play when we war.
Toribash Media |[TeamWushu]
Today my girl and I went to pick out Halloween costumes it was really fun she bought one but didnt show me yett but im dressing up as a white chick

Solax was here.
Damn whiskers, werent any costumes left?

[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "