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DFH )die for hounor(
2 Votes / 100.00%
Freelance {cause there not a clan any more}
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DD (same as with freelance
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FFOF (fist full of frags}
0 Votes / 0%
0 Votes / 0%
SF (sonic fail)
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SOH (soldiers of heaven)
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Hey guys, this is metro here, just to make things worse, i agree completely with Fezch. Warbanana and Mrama, you two left us to run a clan on our own, i dont think any of us expected that. When you left War it got very messy and people began to fight. War i think you started the fight by assigning Playaj and Honeebuket leaders, so that made them fight, sides were taken and the clan was going downhill fast. Then you send a pm to playaj saying that Honeebuket is on crack and that playaj is leader, just to randomly come back with mrama and take leadership and kick the person you appointed leader. Thats a bit wack war. Playaj is my friend and i dont think he deserved to be kicked. So im going to follow my friends, and leave the clan, i just dont think its the same anymore, to much has happened and i dont know who is who. I thought i was going to be in uTi for alot longer, but all good things must come to an end. I hope there is not hatred towards me from any uTi members because you were all great to me during my time in uTi.

Love you all and good luck with this clan.
Last edited by AltMetro; Jan 26, 2009 at 08:35 AM.
warrior56, who are you to say that stuff about playaj? you never posted on this forum until now.
Last edited by AltMetro; Jan 26, 2009 at 12:47 PM.
Get Out Playaj "Friend"
We now deeply hate you.
playaj was power mad Doing horrible things while his "Friends" Protected him.
He was powermad a Noob and Disgusted me.
And i thought were were aganst Playaj Old Friend.
warrior your response is completely unethical. Hopeful the rest of uTi members has a more in depth way of thinking.

I very much so enjoyed this clan. The people were great our leaders were great, in fact everything was great. I had to unfortunately find out this was not the case. I do still definitely believe their are great people left in uTi. These are the people who don't have the ignorant thinking displayed by warrior. I do not wish to insult anyone I am just merely expressing my opinion.

I think this situation with Playaj has been largely blown out of proportion. Playaj is not a so called 'EVIL DICTATOR' doing horrible things which warrior just politely mentioned. The only totalitarian behavior i see, comes from war and mrama in there successful attempt in wiping Playaj's position from leadership over night and then proceeding to vilify his name. The truth is Playaj meant no harm. The scuffle with honeebucket as i can see originated from war. "C'mon dude u cant tell him he is leader(which he claims you said) and then tell Playaj he is on crack(I saw the PM)." I believe Playaj is owed an apology. That would be a start.

Be that as it may i must just say once again. I have no hard feelings toward uTi only regrets. I regret it went this way and I regret I have to leave. I also do regret playaj had to be callously humiliated. I do wish uTi a long existence and that you do well as a clan. I also wish you come to realize what we tried to do for you and that we only meant good. I am speaking from both Playaj and myself.

Goodbye and good luck uTi, i really mean it.

EDIT: BTW mrama and war, i do not have any hard feelings towards you either. I wish you both prosper as leaders and make this into the amazing clan it already is. I do hope someday we can be friends and this terrible ordeal can be put behind us. Again i wish you all luck and good fortune.
Last edited by KingFisher; Jan 26, 2009 at 03:53 PM.
Keep your friends close but your enemy's closer
Originally Posted by warbanana View Post
The clan is going to grow supa-strong now

I lol'd.
Hope it does, after the "Playaj Confrontation." To think I trusted that guy. >.>
You guys.. need to get things straight... me and war didnt leave... we faked it we wanted to test how uTi will react how you guy would pick up.... and how playaj would work as a leader.. and playaj completely failed... so thats all deal with it, If you want to leave go ahead the door is right there
Hi it's Praeter
Kingfigher for all we know you Playja's alt account.
GO through the door
Cry a river and drown youself.
Well all be happy.
As Mrama said
Its right there.