Hey BoerHae, hope you get better soon baby.

Gambi you fucking donkey. Are you saying landing on your toes then transitioning to your heel makes less noise then just landing on your toes?!?!?
The heel/flat foot has a larger surface area than the toes so it would make a louder noise if you land on it.
Slap your foot on a none carpeted floor and tell me that doesn't make alot of noise -.-
If you are talking about transitioning from your toes to your flat foot/heel then unless all the force is applied to your toes (Which is super unlikely)
then it should still apply force to the heel/flat foot which would make a noise
I have tried the heel/toe thing... Then I stopped because I looked like a retard.

And I can say that landing on your toe and transitioning to your heel is quieter.

Thank you and good night.
I'm ill since friday :/
Get well Boerhae.

And thank you Groogeyz. Of course I ment transitioning to the heel, that's why I said "after". And I didn't mean that you stand on your heel in the end - THAT would be retarded- ,what I ment is standing on your flat food in the end. That's called absorbing the shock, your tori will thank you, if you do it like that.
I can't believe that we got so many posts about a so uninterresting topic.
yea quite uninterresting
ive decided to swoop around here a bit more than i used to in the past month to say a bit more in contact i hope thats okay
Reapin' on
Well, if you only use the the feet, then you probably look retarded too. You have to relax like 100% of your body(except neck wtf) then you hold a few joints at a crouching position. Then, you can continue being a ninja B)
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it
How about you just contract every joint in your body. Cant get quieter than that.
Also smacking your toes on the floor hurts

This is my loudness metre, and the end of this shitty conversation.
Landing on toes: Quiet
Landing on toes then transitioning to flat foot: Pretty quiet
Landing on flat foot: Loud
Landing on heel: Pretty loud