What's the least amount of money [within practicality] that you could pay for Demon Relax right now?
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Originally Posted by Zycosi View Post
Around how much is a Dragon Blood worth?

pretty rare amongst players, I'd go with 10k
Originally Posted by DooomByte View Post
How much would Pure blood cost?

market price is pretty low, so 2-3k, I think a realistic price is 5-10k
wishful eyes deceive me
512 head ?
Full acid ?
Monk ?
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Originally Posted by Tengo View Post
512 head ?
Full acid ?
Monk ?

can't say really, coz I am interested in buying all 3 from you
wishful eyes deceive me