Hey guys, im ingame and ive been killing it, so if anyone wants a challenge just /sa fris
Lets tussle ;)
Also its been a while since ive posted, ive been hanging with some friends and trying to see my girl more, thanks for not kicking me
My serverlist crashed and isnt loading -.-
Last edited by Frisbee; Dec 11, 2011 at 05:43 PM.
Proud co-leader of [iCoF]
OLDA Moderated Message:
I'm going inactive again.

I've been split and decapped too many times and I can't take it anymore. Training doesn't do shit. It's really pissing me off and I'm trying my best not to quit the damn game.

Yeah, I know, you're supposed to play the game for fun. And when I feel like a good player, then I play for fun. But when I'm constantly mutilated and easily decapped, it makes me feel like nothing.

I'll be requesting a ban to be lifted by the 23rd of December. RepentNow will be your new leader. I've already sent it to Fish. Whether this clan falls or not is now up to you guys. Hope you keep it running. Good luck guys.
Last edited by Marrez; Dec 11, 2011 at 07:36 PM.
the goblin
Tamakuu, please dont quit, ill miss you bro, i really will.
on a second note: guys i need moral help, i need to work on quitting but its not working, i want a cigarette constantly and nothings seeming to work. It started when my JROTC Drill Instructor Got in a car accident, the stress is ripping me apart and i don't know what else i can do, my friends that i can talk to in real life don't want to hear me bitch and moan about it so i thought i would ask for some anonymous help.
Im not asking you to walk with me and listen to me complain, i just need alternatives, what should i do?
I cant handle this much stress without relief, i wont be able to take this much longer, Please, Just give me some advice,

Proud co-leader of [iCoF]
OLDA Moderated Message:
/invade hi guys. long time no see

frisbee: sometimes, when it comes to smoking, it's really hard to quit. all I can recommend is gaining the ability to slow down on it.

tama: Nooooouuu!!! you can't leave!
/invade tamakuu you have to keep on going bro. i will help you with what ever you what!
R.i.p. white lotus(proud co-leader of icof
No thanks. Running a clan is a pain in the ass. I don't have what it takes. Sorry guys. Hopefully we can still hang out with each other.
the goblin