Originally Posted by jisse View Post
Thanks guys!
I've been saving up for this computer forever.

If I saved up my money the total would be about $300 and something.
I don't exist
If I had a dollar for everything I've broken in technology, I'd have 30 dollars.

Also happy late Birthday jisse. Please teach me how to pronounce your names ;w;
Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
Today is my birthday.

Just kidding. I was never born so I don't have one of those.

Happy my-parents-had-sex-and-9-months-later-a-baby-popped-out-of-my-mom's-vagoo-and-now-I'm-here day.
I came here to laugh at you
Originally Posted by Dobby View Post
That's right... for I AM YOUR FATHER!!!

Dobby pay him child support.
I don't exist