secret to escaping elo hell: don't be bad

anyone who deserves to be a higher elo gets there
Tor1g0d embodied as a noob. Hey, atleast i'm back and nice!
You're right. But I don't main champs so I have to pick a champion that's easy to play, but is really strong and damn is Ryze good in lower elo. Just spam your shit and you win games. I went top Ryze against Akali (she wanted to counter me I guess) and gave her 3 kills in lane making her unkillable by me. I started roaming a bit while she stayed top and I got kills from helping my teammates. I then proceeded to scale like a mother fucker.

Oh, and he actually has some good temporary kiting with his rune prison and ult which I used to kill a full health Rammus with a quarter health Sona and 300 health. It was kinda hilarious.
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"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Dothgar View Post
secret to escaping elo hell: don't be bad

well. if your team sux. you generally can't carry your team alone.
no u

It's almost as if league isn't a team game

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
well you need to be a little bit of selfish
not full retard selfish but a little bit thats the way to
lead nabs to win
Ok guys got back into LoL. Shocker I know but most of the community has grown a bit more tolerant either that or I'm dying less. either way just looking for some other people to play with just to get me back into the game. Heads up: I'm learning how to play vel'koz, I understand his basic stuff like how you can fuckin' wreck people with burst because of his E - W - Q - R (in order) However a thing I always struggled with is last hitting so yeah. I'll most likely be playing 3v5 or 2v4 AI custom games and cranking their difficulty each time. If anyone wants to do this with me my LoL name is : SpaghettiTrullz (don't ask I'm not very good with making names) Little info, I'm level 12 and close to getting into bronze but like I said I haven't played the game for some time now-about 1-1.5 years)
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
A good start is telling us which server you play on =P
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
A good start is telling us which server you play on =P

Go to his profile, check country code and deduce server :3

It's EUW.