Originally Posted by Drakeco View Post
Oh ok. An I didnt want to said like a retard, but what does that program do? Did you make that?

Yes i coded this program.

What the program does:

It is a portable(USB or CD) utility for Savy pc users that often need to
perform antivirus scans, clean out junk files, fix the network etc on their
family's or friend's pc's.

It will also feature a chat function in which you can communicate to a Tech
Support person(me :3 ), but i have not coded that yet.

check out for more information.

(It is coded in Visual Basic, using Visual Studios 2010 Ultimate on an i5 2500k, 16gb RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit machine)
Helge Sverre - System Developer
Ummm Drakeco I thought your gonna make a thread about birthday celebrants so we can greet them and give something
i did not spam i was jest in the confiscation T.T you guys want me to post more now you guys want me to post less pick one ._. also GrandPrix stop hating because you have like 41 post
Last edited by emoney78; Aug 10, 2012 at 07:12 PM.

We just want you to post at least every day. Again don't start no shit. `-`
Just call me Ducky Momo, bitch don't hate (:V)
Butterz1 oh ok i will do and i did the reason i post so much is because i want to show how much i will be active if i was co again .... also GrandPrix sorry i did not mean that