For the money there is no problem lefting because i pay it if necesary but if you guys prefer PsY i am ok with that for me there no problem. But if you decide to change the clan name juet tell me and i am gonna pay it
30k is very expansive, but the moment I do not want to change the clan name XD
But where do we go; When our eyes catch fire by satellite; How do we know; That this love won't hurt like cyanide
Hey guys. How about [Forever]?
We will be together Forever.
As long as we stay together.
Nothing can stand in our way.

Motto too..?
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Hey guys. How about [Forever]?
We will be together Forever.
As long as we stay together.
Nothing can stand in our way.

Motto too..?

Well, idk, I will ever preffer Psy xD

Btw pura, you should come back to Psy D:
Psy is back bro! :3
Originally Posted by RDevil View Post
Well, idk, I will ever preffer Psy xD

Btw pura, you should come back to Psy D:
Psy is back bro! :3

^D= Don't make me sad panda and come back now =D
Originally Posted by RDevil View Post
Well, idk, I will ever preffer Psy xD

Btw pura, you should come back to Psy D:
Psy is back bro! :3

I know!! I still have Silver to worry about.

Originally Posted by TookBot View Post
^D= Don't make me sad panda and come back now =D

Well, I'm sad with my social life.. And I still have Silver to worry about lol.
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
I know!! I still have Silver to worry about.

Lol, I was in the [Extreme] for about 4 days.
But now Psy is back, they (extreme members) accepted my reason to leave and said good luck. So, come back bro! D:
Just tell Silver that you will help us to reconstuct your old clan :3
Remember? Psy Forever!

Edit: Aw yeah, it's your the decision bro.
Last edited by Rafael; Mar 7, 2012 at 08:22 AM.
LOL yea, plz purangel! [FOREVER]? i dont like xD
But where do we go; When our eyes catch fire by satellite; How do we know; That this love won't hurt like cyanide