Everything is related to physics. You just have to say as much before you actually start talking about whatever it is.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
holy shit I just read my PMs and you people are so full of drama it's cray cray
people wanting other people out
people dancing around positions of power


why can't you all just post what you think and stand up for what you believe instead of bitching behind each other's backs like weaklings?


I also got a love letter, which is cool.
I love you too insane.
Well guys, let me put this straight to you since you seem to need a translator for Redundant's sayings/actions:

Something extraordinarily dumb has happened and as a result he got kicked out of the clan, he couldn't care less about it since our status is not affecting his status by any means. He was just sitting here being who he always have been, giving life experience reviews and being a hard test with anyone who needs to be tested (really, if you get offended by Redundant then you need to review your whole lifestyle).

All that shit means that something extraordinarily smart should come out from us towards him or something of his interest to trigger the same "ok, i'll let my name be on their memberlist" again, which I doubt is gonna happen, this clan is following a pretty standard path, we had a hard time at the beginning of this clan to try and show some superiority, everything now comes to "Who we have on our clan", which is actually stupid and does not worth the presence of a really smart personality (not talking just about you on this one ego, cock down a bit).

It all comes to wheter or not he's drunk enough to accept being here again because, well... We didn't do much to deserve it when he was a member and we're even lower right now.

I kinda want Redundant to post all of the pms so everyone knows exactly how much other people hate them, etc.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Mmk, so I was playing in a bet server and pinged because my internet disconnected.
Of course someone screen shotted and reported it.
If I get banned, it's fucking stupid because I didn't force ping.
Anyway, let's hope for the best that I can get it lifted, but I doubt it because I have no evidence that my internet disconnected...
father of philip scone
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
holy shit I just read my PMs and you people are so full of drama it's cray cray
people wanting other people out
people dancing around positions of power


why can't you all just post what you think and stand up for what you believe instead of bitching behind each other's backs like weaklings?


I also got a love letter, which is cool.
I love you too insane.

Redundant is a cool joe. Come back please?
I agree with Hawke.

Anyway, i don't usually hold grudges, i find hating somebody for a long time just for something stupid they may have done a bit immature and pointless.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Fucking what happened. Suddenly 2 of your members and a leader are in Inquisition.

Enlighten me as to what happened..?