Gangsta I wasn't asking for the translation of that sentence. I'm spanish myself. Nice image btw.

Jason: Car is floating in front of the tree; You didn't hide the chat; The moon is too white and has a small halo; The tripod/whatever has the light coming from below instead of the moon (Where is it standing anyways?); The flare in the car should aim forward, not sideways. Other than that, the img is ok.
I think you forgot 1 more thing @FS, there is a dark moon (hard to see it, on the right side tree.) Or you might have forgot about it.
Last edited by Xipherion; Jul 29, 2013 at 01:00 PM.
Simple Doesn't Mean Its Easy
Originally Posted by 30001068 View Post
@Tic: thanks i ''worked hard'' on it and waiting for gangstas answer

That is pretty good nice pic

Originally Posted by Xipherion View Post
@Gangsta Nonetheless, that pic looks pretty good but still has minor mistakes.
-Pixels on the foot.
-Thigh joint looks invincible.
Overall, people won't mind about it.

@xip: overall I did that on purpose
the feet is not pixeled, it's a texture i made on my feet
but the thigh, all on purpose.
Last edited by Mist; Jul 29, 2013 at 01:58 PM.
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin
What up all you peoples. Don't you all just love when i pop in out of no where.
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
Hey Guys first of all i know i was inactive but now when i knew L3RK IS UNBANNED and patrickooo and deakmaniac are bakc thats nice alot so i am back to be active again and welcome guys and Welcome L3RK and Legendary is gettin EPIC !
pshht im gonna have to change that.. maybe open up a recruitment lobby in the next couple days...
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.