Originally Posted by imaslayaa View Post
Welcome back yo, also do any of you have skype?
wouldn't mind adding a couple of you or something.

Mine is TheGreekHero Gtav
Hey guys, sry about my absence... I just don't get any time to log on, cause of my approaching Half-Yearlies (In 4th Week of Sept till 1st Week of Oct) n' softball district practices (Districts starting on 3rd of Sept). I just can't sit on my PC, n' when I do get time, I work on my Goku set as I think that only the head looks a little awkward alone. So, guys Im sry, tho I promise that I will be back in full power at the end of my Half-Yearlies. So guys, sry about it... I will try to come online now n' then. Umm... dunno how to end it... XD, maybe... Cya?
looking forward to see u ingame
and good luck with your 'Half-Yearlies'
btw.. we still need support for our teams..

tobreak - rcrichman - Buddyyo

d3noth - Trybut

Art & Design-Team
BeeDooSamm - Kratos2121


Last edited by BBKing; Aug 20, 2014 at 11:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump