No, you're not. I EARNED all of this booze. I stole it all from FIFTEEN liquor stores and counting. And now you're telling me that I OWE some of it to you? Fuck right off.

Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
And communism wants to take your freedom and make you speak in a silly Russian accent and stuff.

I think Russian accents are sexy. Especially on big, hairy men named Igor.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I'm sorry if I sounded like I was being a cry baby,but to me I took offense to what he said. That's me that's how I am. I didn't want to cause a commotion I just wanted him to not be so harsh. I now understand that's just him and he means no harm by it. I'm really sorry if I came off as a cry baby.
It's alright. We'll get this resolved and see If there was actually something for you to be legitimately upset about.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
To be honest, his "humour" isn't very funny.
Infact I don't find it funny at all.

Probably shouldn't be discussing it here, but I was at school whilst the other thread got created and closed.
father of philip scone
Why the fuck did link try to remove Ego while I was asleep and why the fuck are we just pretending he didn't do anything wrong by taking such an important matter into his own hands without consulting any other leader or giving prior warning? Why is this not as bad as me ripping the shit into some dickhead in SandI? Fuck this clan. I defended Static when the council was against him because I though Ego was being too harsh and then Static decides to pulls this shit on him?

I know I am hella biased in this matter but it is still a disgrace.
Good morning sweet princess
I don't feel as strongly about it, but I don't think what he did was right. If we kicked ego, It should be after we've discussed it with the whole clan and found that the majority thinks we should.
Link does a lot for the clan and seems to be well meaning. He evidently cares about this clan and its members and is efficient when it comes to getting stuff done. However, I feel like he overstepped a line here. To be fair, this seems to be his first miss-step as leader and the heirachy and decision making process of this clan is hazy at the best of times so it was an honest mistake. I am more annoyed at the comparative reactions of people to stuff like this. When I flame someone in SandI and people treat it like murder despite the complete lack of harm that was done by it. When Link turns out to have kicked a member without consulting Ele or taking the time I would expect to be necessary to make such a decision we just re-invite the guy and continue as if it never happened.

I don't want Link to be punished for this, just as long as he doesn't make the same mistake again. I've hurt Static's delicate little feelings before as well, should I worry about waking up tomorow without a clan tag? The most action I think we can reasonably take is just removing Link's ability to kick players. The least is to just make sure he realises that he dun goofed.
Depends what Ego thinks tbh. After disagreeing with him about Static got us here I certainly feel more prone to agree with what he says in future.
Last edited by Zelda; Jun 12, 2015 at 01:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess
He said he didn't want to befriend me from the start. I've tried to be nice, but every time I go in Irc he bashes me for no reason and struck a.nerve. It would be different if he had ever said 1 decent thing to me, but he hasn't. I did not make anyone kick him. Yeah at first I wanted him kicked, but I was told that is just how he acts and I need to deal with it. I talked to Daed first so he could bring it up with the other leaders.