Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time today when I fell asleep in my third period class. I thought it wouldn't be scary, because one of the ways to lucid dream is to force yourself into sleep paralysis, but it really was terrifying.

I was actually studying this at one time, but I guess I didn't learn much.
Is it like, something that happens to everyone at some point in life?
Because I've read of some pretty bad ones.

Originally Posted by Orko View Post
Write an erotic short story featuring Neko and Hug.

please, senpai

I'm sure that would be big, only if I had the drive to do so.
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Hey yoki

Not sure if everyone gets it but not all are spooky, some stories of it are pretty messed up though
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My weirdest dream that i kinda remember well is that i was wearing an armor on and i was on a cliff.
I looked down and jumped. Normally you wake here....

Suddenly i was again on top of the fucking cliff but this with a different suit.
Jumped again.
This same thing repeated couple times every time with a different suit.

Then i woke up and just thought what the fuck just happened.

I've only had a lucid dream once.

I was walking down some stairs, then i realized it was a dream, so I started going up the stairs again, and then the dream ended. Pretty anticlimactic.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

That though procces "*Walking down some stairs* Huh? Wait, I just realized that this is a dream! I am lucid dreaming! What should I do? I can fly, do anything I want to! OH I KNOW!I will walk up the stairs."

Also, how is everyone doing?

Last edited by duckalt; Feb 25, 2014 at 12:13 PM.
I pretty much have nothing but Lucid dreams and honestly it gets pretty annoying. Half the time when I realize I'm dreaming I have to devote 90% of the dream to telling myself not to wake up. It really sucks because it prevents you from getting a good nights sleep. ._.

Well its not really. When you get something great, you will eventually be bored with it. For a first time experience, lucid dreams are great, but when they just keep on happening, they are not that special anymore, and can casue, as Chaney said, some sleep issues.
Oh I see. :o
I had a lucid dream once when I was seven.
I was in the middle of nowhere and it was snowing really hard. This guy was in a sled that was being pulled by wolves. Even though he was far away, I could tell he was coming after me. That was when I realized it was a dream and I panicked and opened my eyes.
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