Age(optional):11 :3
Where do you live?(optional):Holland
What belt are you?:black
Where do you want to improve?:Taekkyon
Favorite mods:Judo,Aikido,AikidoBigdojo
Why do you want to join?:my friend was in it and i saw him improve really fast he even got to beat me
Have you read the rules?:yes i did
I do stuff. Havu is my mentor
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
Normally I wouldn't believe you about the shyness thing, but your app shows that you are indeed a bit young and seemingly shy, so I'll say yes to you. Though there are higher powers than me in here, so if you don't get accepted, you can chill in our IRC channel (check my thread titled "New Supervisor") and I'll try to help you with that.

Jafri246: There is no reapplying after you have left. You suck at judo? Try here:

If that doesn't work, remember the three Ps: Practice, Patience, Perseverance.

So am i accepted now ?
and i dont understand what you mean with the reapplying i never was in this clan before so i cant have left ?!?
Sup?? There's my application, hope You like it...

Age(optional): 14
Where do you live?(optional): Pleven, Bulgaria
What belt are you?: Blue
Where do you want to improve?: In Aikido
Favorite mods: Aikido, Judo...
Why do you want to join?: Well, I want to become a better player, I learn things very fast and I can help the clan... Guess so... Ah and least but not last I think You're very kind guys and we will have fun.
Have you read the rules?: Hell yeah, cuz "I'm a little teapot"