I don't have any delusions about this game being an aid to enlightenment. This is another hindrance I will have to give up. All in due time though.

I gave up my car because I found it was more suffering to keep it than to give it away.
I gave up my XBox because it was consuming too much of my time.
I gave up doing drugs because I found I my happiness was impermanent because it was dependent on a substance.
I gave up having a girlfriend because it was more suffering to worry about another person's happiness when its hard enough to maintain my own.

I play this game in spare time. When I find it is too much of a hindrance to my happiness I will let it go in exchange for a greater happiness.
The Buddha's path is a gradual path with a sudden drop-off. Like the ground of the ocean. No reason to rush to the sudden drop-off if you are not ready.

I have had many opportunities to teach about meditation while playing. There is still good coming from this activity.

See you around friends.
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