(This Is A Application Sorry Im New To Clans)
Name; Danial Tan
GMT:Please Tell Me What This Means
(info about me):I am young but im good dat aikido and jousting
Mods Liked:Jousting,aikido
frequency played:I play almost everyday
People Who Sent Me Here:Mysticmew,potram
Previous clans-Bans:None
Why Do I Want To Join This Clan:I want to be better and assist this clan and also to make good friends to help in wars.
What Can I Do For The Clan:I can assist in needed for replays or videos however i can't upload videos.
Skype Name:I do not have a skype account but i will try to get one soon.
Real Name:.Danial
GMT (For Clanwars, etc.):Please tell me what is thisXD.
A little about yourself:I am young but i am pretty good at this game.

Best (Most liked) Mods:Jousting,Aikido
How many days in week are you online:About 6 days
People, who send you here:Mysticmew,Potram
People you know in the clan:Mysticmew,Potram
Previous Clans (Why left?):None
Previous Bans (Why?):None

Why you want to join this clan:I want to be a better tori and make new friends and strive in the clan.
Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.):I can help in replays.
Read the Rules and will follow them:I will follow all rules
Skype name (Raises chance of getting in):I do not have one but i will try to get one ASAP.
(Sorry if i posted this at the wrong place im new to the clans society)
Last edited by IN00B7X; Aug 28, 2013 at 03:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Welcome our new and follow the rules.have fun. And Be active in game and forum!(oh its your 1st post)
And Cheff:where is Mobin?
just a fancy signature
yeah cheff!? i havn't seen him in a looooooooooooooong time
If someone wana parkour /jo sj
Last edited by xXSJXx; Aug 28, 2013 at 08:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I'm not sure what's happening anymore